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Hyunji looked in the mirror as she braided her hair tightly, knowing by the end of the day it would look like a frizzy wreck. After putting on waterproof mascara she added some lip gloss to her lips. Grabbing her sunglasses and her purse she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning," She heard her mom say.

"Oh, you're up?" Hyunji said.

"Yeah, the first time I've slept so late in ages huh?"

"That's for sure."

"So you guys are going to the water park, right?"

Her mother sat down at the island, a hot cup of coffee in her hand just like every other morning.

"Yes. We're going to go early so we don't have to wait in line too long."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I guess I'll just be chilling here with Jay."

"Well, I'm gonna get going, they said we'd leave at nine."


Hyunji walked over to her mom and gave her a tight hug.

"Love you Ji," Her mom said.

"Love you too. I'll text you later."

Hyunji left, (after of course saying a dramatic goodbye to Jay) and walked out the door with her bag. Letting her mind drift to Jungkook and their lovely date as she speed-walked a few driveways over to Yuri's house.

Opening the front door Hyunji walked into their house taking her shoes off at the door, seeing Taehyung with a grim expression.

"What's wrong?" Hyunji asked him.

"At least you're punctual!" He rolled his eyes as he shoved a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. "We agreed to leave at nine, and they have ten minutes to get their asses down here and I don't see any of them."

"Oh, I'm not surprised though."

"Me either. But I'm still irritated. Do me a favor and wake up Kook would you?"


Hyunji unconsciously smiled, not going unnoticed by Taehyung, but he chose not to tease her, this time. As she turned around Taehyung sighed, he knew that was probably a mistake that would only delay them.

Standing in front of the door she hesitated to open it. Should she knock? Or just go in? But he was sleeping so it wouldn't matter either way, right? Opening the door she walked in and saw him laying wrapped up in the blanket. Looking over at her he smiled, reaching his arms out for her. She shut the door behind her and walked over.

"I'm dressed and stuff, just laying in bed till the last minute." He spoke, and she heard how much deeper his voice was and it drove her insane, she didn't know how long it would last but Hyunji wanted to savor every word he said till then.


Jungkook peeled the blanket off of him and put his hand on her waist pulling her towards him.

"Just lay with me for a few minutes." He told her with a sleepy grin.

He was so adorable.

Quickly giving in she lay next to him facing him and felt him put his leg over hers as his hand caressed her cheek gently.

"I missed you." Jungkook breathed out.

Her lips curved into a smile "I missed you too."

Leaning in Jungkook pressed his lips to hers, ever so gently. And Hyunji wondered if it'd ever get old. Every time they kissed she got the same butterflies in her stomach, her heart sped up in anticipation of the kiss. Jungkook felt Hyunji's lips linger on his own as he pulled away.

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