Twenty One

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Oh my god she's a blanket thief.

Jungkook shivered as he felt his exposed skin getting a draft. He turned over keeping his eyes closed, not ready to wake up just yet. Feeling her warm skin on his was a gift in itself. Inhaling the sweet smell coming from her hair product a smile crept on his lips as he put his arms around her, beginning to fall back asleep.


Poke poke.

Feeling a cold wet nose on his back, Jungkook sighed, turning around, being greeted with two brown eyes and a wagging tail. Jungkook grinned looking at him as he petted his head. Looking at the clock he saw it was 8AM already as the sun beat through her curtains.

"I guess I have to take you outside?" He muttered.

Jay tilted his head to the side.

Getting up, Jungkook found his underwear and quickly put it on, attempting to be quiet. He walked out of her room and followed Jay down the stairs, and to the back door. As he opened the door Jungkook was met with the stagnant humid air, scrunching his nose in response. He watched as Jay hoisted his leg up on Hanuel's blooming rose bush, shaking his head.

Jungkook yawned as he ran his fingers through his hair. Thinking about the events from the previous night. Boy, was he was thankful he decided to stay home and not go on vacation with his parents.

"Jay come here." He said, being ignored by the dog.

"Come!" Jungkook raised his voice, Jay briefly looked up as he smelled the ground before turning his head.

Jungkook swore Jay laughed at him before walking in the opposite direction.


Hyunji fluttered her eyes open as she heard Jungkook walk in the room. Looking over at him she smiled, seeing him just in boxers and Jay nowhere in sight she assumed he had taken him out.

"C'mere." She reached her hand out.

He walked over to her side of the bed laying next to her as he gazed into her sleepy eyes. Caressing her cheek he pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Morning Princess."

The morning voice she died to hear. Princess, the nickname she adored, it made her heart speed up as she looked at her boyfriend.

"I love when you call me that." Hyunji put her arm around his waist.


Laying in his arms felt like home, his toned arms engulfed her body in a safe haven. She could fall asleep all over again surrounded by his comfort.

"You took Jay out?" She asked.

"Yeah, he woke me up." Jungkook replied.

"M'kay. I'm gonna take a shower, you can join if you'd like."

Jungkook rolled out of bed, Hyunji stood up and picked up the scattered clothes on her floor, the mess bothering her. As she walked into the bathroom she turned on the shower, Jungkook following behind her.

Hyunji felt an ache in her thighs, but she was pleasantly surprised that she wasn't sore. She was expecting her pussy to feel some sort of discomfort or pain, but thankfully she was wrong.

She wrinkle her face as she stepped in the shower.

"Whats wrong?" Jungkook asked as he got in the shower, shutting the door behind him.

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