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The pair walked out into the parking lot of the restaurant and Jungkook waited to see Hyunji's face as she saw the surprise in the car.

"That food was so delicious." Hyunji linked her hand with his as they strode to the car.

"I told you this place was great." Jungkook chuckled.

"We'll have to come here again."

"We will. The beach is a little ways from here, but afterwards, there's a little shop we can get ice cream from on the way back."

"That sounds good."

"Did you leave the car on?" Hyunji questioned, looking at him.

"Nah, it just got turned on a minute before we came out." Jungkook opened the door for her. "Look inside."

Hyunji got in the car and heard the familiar high-pitched whine of her beloved dog. She turned around quickly and pet him while smiling before looking up at her date.

"How'd Jay get here?" Hyunji asked.

"Tae brought him and put him in before we came out." Jungkook said, walking over to get in the driver's side of the car. "I heard from Tae that he likes the beach too, so I thought why not bring him too."

"That's so sweet."

I also brought him so you wouldn't feel bad he's home alone and now you'll stay with me longer.

"I am sweet aren't I?" Jungkook grinned.


Jungkook put the SUV in the park as he took off his seat belt. Hyunji gazed out the window at the pretty scenery, seeing nothing but the continual waves dancing along the shoreline. She got out of the car, putting on her sunglasses. Hyunji opened the back door letting Jay out.

"Does he need a leash or anything?" Jungkook ask, she only shook her head no in reply.

After grabbing a big sheet, and his camera from the trunk the pair walked down, feeling the warm sand under their feet. Breathing in the salty air, Jungkook draped his arm over Hyunjis's shoulder while they walked towards the center of the beach.

"It's so pretty here." She smiled looking over at him.

"It is, my mom brings me here all the time." Jungkook replied.

"You two close?"

"Yeah, definitely. We always have been."

"That's nice."

"What about your parents?"

"Me and my mom are close, not as close as we used to be but. . . My dad, it seems like he's never really been around. Consumed by work, even when he was home he's just in his office or watching tv or something."

"Oh, that must suck, my dad was always engulfed in work too, until recently."

"Why? Did he quit?"

"Yep, he took a month's break and never went back." Jungkook laughed.

Picking up Jay's ball he threw it seeing the dog go darting after it, before catching it mid-air and turning around to come back.

"My moms allergic to cats and dogs so I've never been able to have a dog." Jungkook said as Hyunji laid out the blanket.

"Oh, that sucks."

"Yeah, I used to beg for a dog for my birthday every year, but you know you don't get everything you want in life."

Jay came running back with the ball, pushing it into Jungkook's hand before playfully jumping back almost teasingly. In return Jungkook chased after him, knowing he'd never be able to catch up to Jay, but giving it a shot anyway. Jay turned around and went running back to Hyunji, dropping his ball at her feet.

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