Fifty Three

65 6 2

Hyunji gazed out the car window, admiring Seoul city at night. It never seemed to get old. What did get old was attending mind numbing business meetings. Hyunji's presence hadn't been required to one of these dinners in quite some time and she was still puzzled as to why she had to go tonight. With the recent tension in her family she decided not to put up a fight, this time.

Seojun pulled up in front of the restaurant and his family all got out of the car. He handed the keys to the valet along with a cash tip before they headed inside.

"I want you to be very kind to them." Haneul said, for the hundredth time.

Of course they had reservations, they were seated quickly and waiting for the Choi's. Hyunji scanned over the menu as she waited, but before long she heard a familiar voice.

"Ah, they're here." Haneul smiled, standing up out of her seat.

Since when do we stand up and dramatically greet partners we've met before. Hyunji thought as her mother smacked her shoulder, telling her to stand up.

Turning around she saw none other than Jaehyung. He smiled seeing her.

"This is Jaehyung-" Haneul started to introduce him.

"Mom, we go to the same school. I know who he is." Hyunji softly said.

Everyone sat down and of course Jaehyung was seated straight across from Hyunji. Haneul was in for it when they got home.

"Jaehyung is looking at some of the same schools you are. He's going into engineering, isn't that cool? I know you loved engineering before." Haneul went on.

"I never liked engineering-" Hyunji furrowed her eyebrows.

" He's been quite the addition to the congregation, we're so proud of him."

Hyunji looked at Jaehyung and he softly smiled. "I'm sorry." He lipped.

Hanuel became distracted with conversation with Jaehyung's mom which Hyunji was thankful for.

"This is awkward isn't it." Jaehyung chuckled.

Hyunji sighed. "I can't believe she's trying to play matchmaker. They're supposed to be meeting my boyfriend next week and they're trying to replace him already."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think I was signing up to go on a date with you."

"It's not your fault."

The waitress came and asked for their orders before taking the menu. The air was silent between Hyunji and Jaehyung. He found it funny that despite the situation he was more than happy to be spending time with her. She was tough to get over.

"I didn't know you were religious." Hyunji tried making conversation.

"I wasn't till recently. My parents started going to church and trying to incorporate it into their everyday life a few months ago. They asked me to give it a try, so I'm gonna see what happens." Jaehyung explained.

"That's nice."

"You stopped going?"

"It's been shoved down my throat my entire life. It's just not for me."

"I respect that. You should have a choice about what you do with your life. I'm sure this isn't making anything better, huh?"

"Oh yeah."

"I understand why my sister had to stay home now. Not that she wanted to come, she just wanted the option."

"Couldn't have her interrupting this "date"."

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