Forty two

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Jungkook sat his new laptop down on his desk, plugging it in so it would be fully charged when he set it up later. Turning to Hyunji he was ready to fuck the life out of her, but she had other plans.

"Aren't you going to open my gifts?" She innocently asked.

"Of course!" He grinned.

He picked up her presents and sat on the bed with them. He started out with a small box with striped wrapping paper, opening it up and his jaw dropped. She got him a smart watch/fitness tracker just like hers, he had been planning to put that on his christmas list. He was more than surprised considering he knew it was on the expensive side.

"Hyunji, thank you so much. Are you sure though? It's expensive." He looked up at her.

"Yes, of course it's fine!" She reassured him.

"I forget you're like rich sometimes."

"Well I'm not rich, my parents are."

"Either way this is really nice, baby."

He put it to the side grabbing the next box, it was a thin rectangle leaving him guessing what it was. After unwrapping it he smiled, she made a painting for him.

"I know it's not the best-" She started.

"No, it's good. You're a good painter, this is adorable." Jungkook grinned while still looking at it.

"Inspired by our date star-gazing."

The blue hues covered the canvas as the night sky while many specs of white were the stars, a streak being a shooting star. In the middle there was a silhouette of Jungkook, even if he kinda looked like a cartoon character he didn't care. In his eyes Vicent van Gogh painted it.

"It's going on my wall." He told her.

The next box had a camera lens in it and his face when he opened it was priceless. He didn't even know he wanted it until now, but he couldn't wait to use it. Lastly she got him a leather strap to go on his camera and hang around his neck, it even had his name one it. After she noticed his old one looked like it had been through a couple wars she thought that would be a good gift.

"Babe, thank you so much for all of this. It's almost too much. I kinda feel bad you spent all of this-" Jungkook spoke.

"No, don't feel bad. I just wanted to give you presents you would like, I can't help it if you have expensive taste."

"I don't!"

"I'm joking, Kook!"

"Oops, I should've opened your card first huh?"

"No, please don't read it in front of me."

She remembered how sentimental and a little cringey she was writing it. He could read it when he didn't have the opportunity to make fun of her.

Jungkook cleared off his bed, wanting to make sure there were no obstacles in the way for when the time came. He even noticed earlier that there was a hint of lace under Hyunjis shirt, so she must've planned something, right?

"So, do you wanna open the rest?" Hyunji asked him.

Not really.

"I guess."

Hyunji chuckled, "You want me to fuck you already?"

"Oh, I'm the one getting fucked now huh?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow.

"Take off your clothes."

A grin spread across his lips.

Jungkook began stripping at her instruction, noticing her looking through her purse for something.

Miss Not So Innocent (BTS Jungkook fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now