Twenty Two

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Jungkook sat on Hyunji's bed, while she was on the phone with her mom in the other room. Fatigue hit Jungkook as he waited for her to go to bed with him. She hung up the phone and walked back into her room, laying on the bed next to him. Jungkook scrolled on his phone before looking over at her. Rather than sitting on her phone or talking to him she just seemed to stare off into space.

"Are you okay?" He asked, turning to his side as he put his phone down.

"Mhm." Hyunji nodded.

That was a lie and he knew it.

"Princess, I know that's not true."

"I'm okay."

"No you're not. You have that sad pout on your face."

They had been through this before. Jungkook wasn't gonna let Hyunji sit in silence and be all sad. They always wanted to be open with each other and Jungkook was ensuring that.

"Just be honest." He sat up on his elbow.

"I feel guilty." She sighed.

"You regret it."

He looked away from her, avoiding eye contact. Jungkook knew how her parents raised her, of course she regrets it. His mind raced as he felt saddened at the thought. Hyunji noticed his facial expressions.

"Guilt and regret are different. I feel bad about lying to my parents, I didn't say I wish we didn't happen." Hyunji turned to face him. "If my parents knew what I did they would be so disappointed. They would hate me."

"You said they were very religious and strict, but I'm sure they love you with all their heart. They won't hate you. They might be upset, sure, but they'll never hate you."

"You don't know them. They're gonna be so pissed." Hyunji teared up at the thought.

"Maybe if they just met me it'd be fine."

"Yeah no that wouldn't fix things. They'd just interrogate you."

"I don't want you to be stressed out by our relationship, or feel guilty about anything. We don't have to do anything sexual-"

"That's sweet, it really is. But you know there's no going back, that would be torture."

Thank god. Jungkook thought.

He was willing to do anything for her, and put her needs before his own. Even if that meant going back to many long showers.

"I know it'd be torture, but I'll do anything to be with you. You should know that by now." Jungkook smiled.

He scooted closer to her, laying his head on chest as he put his leg over her, hugging her.

"I have a question I've been meaning to ask you," He said, "Why do we have to keep us such a big secret from Yuri?"

"I'm surprised it took you this long to ask. Jungkook, it's complicated. She's always been very jealous, when we were younger if I talked to Tae too much she'd get an attitude and ignore me. Or if I hung out with someone else at school she would treat me poorly. She's changed a little, but it's really the same." Hyunji explained, without trying to trash talk her best friend and his cousin.

"I knew you would say that. I know what you mean. She's my cousin and I enjoy being around her. But I know sometimes she's just, well, rude."

"Yeah. . . "

"Why don't you have other friends?"

"I'm an introvert. My family is very particular about who I'm friends with too. Look, Yuri lives nearby and my mom is okay with us being friends.

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