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The waitress put both their plates down, as the steam rose bringing the delicious aroma to their noses.

"Enjoy your meal." The waitress smiled before leaving.

"This looks delicious." Jungkook grinned, looking at Hyunji's plate more than his own.

He took a large mouthful of her food and hummed in satisfaction.

"Stop always taking my food! You're such a child." She rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, mommy." He smirked.

"Shut the fuck up." Hyunji stole some of his food as payback.

"Speaking of which, you've really been going through baby fever huh?"

Hyunji sheepishly smiled, looking down at her food.

"A little bit. It's that obvious?" She replied, her cheeks getting rosy.

"You told me you wanted one like 3 hours ago, babe." He spoke with a mouthful.

"I'm ovulating so. . ."

"I figured." He lied. He didn't figure it out at all on his own. "It's cute seeing your face light up when you see kids."

"Yeah. I'm sure you're more happy about the fact that I'm really horny."

"I won't complain, princess."

Silence fell over them as they savored their dishes, occasionally glancing up at each other and making small talk.

"Do you plan on getting married one day?" Jungkook asked, taking a sip of his tea.

She nodded her head. "Yeah, definitely, you know that. You?"

"Mhm. Do you see yourself marrying me?"

His question caught her off guard and he could tell. She raised her eyebrows and made eye contact with him, realizing he was dead serious.

"I'm sorry, forget it, I'm being a bit too bold." He looked down at his food.

"No," She grabbed his hand. "I picture myself marrying someone like you. We have perfect chemistry and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, kook. I lo-"

Fuck, she's gonna beat me to it and steal my lines.

"Is everything okay?" The waitress asked, interrupting Hyunji.

"Yes. Could we have refills of our drinks, please." Jungkook replied.

She smiled and took both their cups and left the table.

"Sorry. I never want to leave your side either." Jungkook didn't just want to brush off what Hyunji said. "I love what we have." He kissed her hand.

They smiled at each other and went back to eating, soon emptying their plates.


After dinner Jungkook drove them back to the beach house. They pulled into the driveway and Jungkook turned off the car, getting out.

"Where's Jay's leash?" He asked, getting out of the car.

"In our room." Hyunji replied. "I'll get it, I need to get my flipflops."

"I'll get it for you, babe."

Their stop at the house was brief and they were soon strolling to the beach. It was a short walk of two blocks to the beach but they took their time, hands intertwined the whole time.

Warm sand greeted them as they made their way towards the water, taking off their shoes to walk in the shallow waves of the ocean. After taking Jay off his leash Hyunji wrapped her arm around Jungkook's, pulling him closer as they strided down the shoreline. The sun beamed down warming up their skin while they got splashed by Jay stomping through the water in front of them.

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