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Yuri took off her oversized shirt, neatly putting it on the chair she was previously sunbathing on. After putting on sunscreen she walked to the edge of the pool and before she could even dip her foot in to feel the temperature she was splashed as Jimin jumped in. Feeling two strong hands on her back Yuri found herself plummeting into the pool. Swimming to the top of the water she rolled her eyes at her older brother.

"Taehyung!" She yelled at him.

"You and Hyunji like to take wayyy too long to get in, so I thought I'd speed up the process." Taehyung replied before diving in himself.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, using his head to point to Hyunji.

As Hyunji took off her shorts, letting them fall to the ground, she put her phone down, seeing Jungkook in her peripheral vision.

"Hey," Jungkook walked up behind her, admiring her body while trying not to be obvious.

"Hey," Hyunji looked up at him.

"Look over there!"


Jungkook scooped her up into his arms quickly, hearing her gasp as he felt her lightly hold onto him, looking deep into his eyes as he grinned looking at her. And wow the skin-on-skin contact they both craved felt good. But Jungkook was here to throw her into the pool, not to get lost and drown in those beautiful eyes of hers.

Getting closer to the edge he pretended to throw her in feeling her hold onto him tighter.

"Stoppp!" She shouted, hearing his laughter in return.

Jungkook swung her once again once she loosened her grip on him, throwing her in this time as she screamed.

Jay rose to his feet in an instant, bolting over to Jungkook while barking. Being startled, Jungkook whipped his head around seeing Jay growl at him, Jay's hair standing up as he glared at the boy in front of him.

"Wow!" Jungkook gasped, stepping back.

Feeling himself lose balance, he quickly looked at the pool before looking back up at the angry dog in front of him. His footing was lost as he fell backward into the pool, splashing everyone. Taehyung and Jimin burst out laughing, embarrassing him further. Jungkook swam to the top, his hair all in his face, he shook his head to get his hair out of his face.

"Maybe we should've warned you about that." Jimin laughed.

"Why is he barking at me?" Jungkook asked, trying to play it off like he wasn't intimidated.

"Cuz' you just grabbed her and threw her into the pool while she was screaming. Forgot to mention that, he's really protective of her." Taehyung said, laughter in his voice.

"Thanks for telling me now."

Jay stood at the edge of the pool, quietly growling at Jungkook.

"Jay! Stop it!" Hyunji raised her voice, swimming towards the other side of the pool. She held onto the edge of the pool to hold herself up while she looked at her beloved dog.

"I'm okay!" She petted him.

"Come here," She looked at Jungkook and he skeptically raised his eyebrow.

He swam over to her and put his arm around her waist loosely, Hyunji leaned closer to him, and slowly she stopped holding onto the outside of the pool. Jungkook noticed and held her waist firmly.

"Look, he's okay." She used her baby voice while talking to Jay. "Just reach your hand out slowly and he should let you pet him." She told Jungkook.

Miss Not So Innocent (BTS Jungkook fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now