Twenty Three

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Hyunji put on her seatbelt as Taehyung began pulled out of the driveway.

"Watch out there's a car." She warned him.

"Oh shut the fuck up. You let Jungkook drive you, the boys had his license for a mere six months and you trust him." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I was just saying!"

"Yeah yeah. So what's in these packages we're picking up?"

"Some birthday gifts. I got him some new camera lenses for his camera, and a new bag to hold his camera and all the lenses. Then I got him a fitness tracker, because he always talks about mine. Umm, the last package is a matching couple necklace- is it cringey?"

Taehyung listened to Hyunji ramble on as he smiled. They were so in love and they didn't even know it.

"It's cute, he's gonna love it. You got him a lot of stuff huh?" Taehyung tried to get a word in.

"Well I'm trying to paint him something, key word trying, it's hopefully gonna pull through. And I'm gonna bake him some cupcakes and maybe get him a a few other little things." Hyunji added.

"He's spoiled by you already."

"He deserves to be spoiled, even though he can be a little brat sometimes."

"Oh he sure can be. You know what'd top it off, coming from a man's perspective-"

"Oh you're a man now huh?"

"I sure am."

"Your suggestion?"

"Top off the night with some lingerie."

"No duh, I've already planned that. But boy have you been spending too much time with Jimin."

Taehyung laughed, the thought scaring him a little bit.

"What color?" Hyunji looked over at him.

"Black with lots of lace."


"No, red."

"Why is that what you would want Eunji to wear before you fuck her?"

Taehyung choked on his spit as he stopped at the red light.

"I was thinking because red means love. I'm not picturing anyone in lingerie. I've got self control, Ji." He replied.

"You're not denying knocking her up." Hyunji made eye contact.

"Oh please, I was the one that was fucked."

"That's not what she said."

"Well what did she say?"

"Best date she's had. That you were a gentleman."

He nodded his head, satisfied at the response. "And the sex?"

"Best night of her life."

Eunji had actually said one of the best nights of her life, but she didn't want him to question her on that.

They continued small talk, picked up the packages and began their drive back to Hyunjis house. Spending time with Taehyung one on one was something she always enjoyed, he was like the older brother she never got to have. The car was filled with laughs, and sarcastic remarks, just how they liked it.

Taehyung parked in his driveway and turned off the car. After being warned how Jungkook would ransack through rooms to look for christmas presents, she wasn't taking the risk of him snooping. Being the gentleman he was, Taehyung carried the packages to his room. The pair sat on his carpet and Tae grabbed a pair of scissors, eager to open the boxes.

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