Eighteen 🍆💦

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The loud chatter of Yuri, Jungkook and Taehyung arguing filled Hyunjis ears as she shook her head laughing. Hyunji didn't even know what they were bickering about, but at this point she didn't care. Noticing Jimin walk outside, taking a pizza box to the recycling can she took the opportunity to follow him out.

I'm 100% gonna regret this.

Shutting the glass door behind her, Hyunji stepped out on the patio, seeing Jimin look up at her.

"Hey," She said, walking down the steps.

"Whats up?" He asked.

"I- ok this is gonna be awkward. I just wanted like some advice from someone who has like that kind of experience, and is like a guy-"

"Spit it out, Ji. You don't have to be awkward."

"How do I give a really good blowjob?"

"Tae owes me 20 bucks, yes!"


"Well since Jungkook always comes and asks me for advice, not that he listens to it, that son of a bitch- Anyways we were wondering if you ever would. Tae said no, but I knew you'd come around. But I'm honored, innocent religious Ji comes to me for sex advice."

"Wait," Hyunji stifled a laugh. "Jungkook asks for advice, what kind of advice? Does he tell you guys the details?"

I need to keep my mouth shut more often. Jimin told himself.

"He asks about stuff because I have experience. Except he found the reddit article about how to go down on women and make it real good-"

"He told you he went down on me?!"

Jimin gasped. "No he didn't! But you just did!"

"Oh my god."

"I have to ask, how was his performance?"

Hyunji sighed, knowing if she said nothing this would surely get back to Jungkook and have him doubt himself if she said nothing.

"Look, the reddit article taught him well but that's not the point, what does he ask about?"

"Just guy stuff. . ."

"Spill! What's he tell you?"

"I plead the fifth."


"Okay, okay, he doesn't like give play-by-play of what you guys do, it's like he'll say you made out or something. Not like you guys have done much besides that if I'm being honest. . . ."

"So you guys like to discuss what we do?"

"If Yuri knew about you two she'd know every tiny detail of you and Jungkook's dates and you know it."

"You're getting sidetracked!"

"Me? More like us!"

"Give me a fucking tutorial already."

"My god, your language!" He teased her. "Okay, so I'm sure you've done your research, as Jungkook has."


"So you know it's all about the head."

"Obviously, and Jungkook already told me."

"Wait, why? What did you do to him?"

I fell into that trap. She sighed.

"Ask him."

"Well you must've given him a handjob since you're asking about a blowjob, or you did a really shitty blowjob." Jimin quickly figured it out. "But anyways, just let your tongue tease him. When you suck on thy dick don't suck too hard your jaw will get sore and you won't be able to please him as long. Use your hand and gently slide it up and down his little junior with your mouth and it's feels like fucking sex it's great."

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