Twenty Nine

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Hyunji had already been awake for over an hour, her natural routine waking her up around 7:30. She and Jay had been the only ones awake and Hyunji took the time to play outside with him before she fed him breakfast. She sat down at the counter and boy was she sore, he wasn't playing around last night.

Last night.

One thought sent her down a rabbit hole of flashbacks and fond memories she would gladly relive. She told herself to stop thinking about it but she quickly lost that battle, her panties already soaked.

Fuck, I need him.

It was the time of month where she was ovulating, who wouldn't give into their desires if they had such an attractive boyfriend.

Jimin came down the stairs mingling with Taehyung's mom as they walked into the kitchen together.

"You're the only one up and it's almost 9?" She looked at Hyunji after seeing the empty room.

"It seems that way." Hyunji replied.

"Can you please wake the kids for me? By the time they get their asses down here breakfast will be finished."

"Okay. Do you need help making food?"

"Oh, no thanks, dear. Jimin offered to help me and you helped with dinner yesterday."

"You offered to make breakfast?" Hyunji chuckled look at Jimin.

"Of course I did." Jimin grinned.

"Last summer when I wasn't as busy with work he always helped out in the kitchen. He's like the other son I never got to have." Tae's mom boasted about Jimin.

"And you're like the mom I never had."

Jimin shot Hyunji a toothy grin before he went into the fridge to get out the ingredients he was told.


Hyunji woke up Taehyung and asked him to get his sister up and then she went to take a shower. Or at least thats what she told herself. She walked into her and Jungkook's bedroom finding him sprawled on his stomach, he moved around under the covers and laid on his back. She took off her shorts and underwear only wearing Jungkook's t-shirt, putting them in their laundry pile on the other side of the room.

She almost made it past him and into the bathroom but the temptation was too much for her. Hyunji was told to wake him up, she wasn't told how.

Walking over to the bed she pulled the blankets down gently, revealing his bare body. She crawled on the bed, straddling him as she leaned down to whisper into his ear.

"Can I ride you?"

Those four words made his eyes slowly open as his eyes tried to adjust to the morning light. He saw her above him, her hands on his chest as her long waves rippled down her chest, making eye contact with her dark chocolate lust filled eyes looking back at him. She looked like a pure angel that had come to grace him with all her beauty and maybe more.

Yes, you can surely ride me.

"I'm not hard-"

"You think I'm not gonna take care of that?" She spoke and he just smirked with his heavy eyes.

She began grinding her soak core against his dick, grinning with satisfaction as she got the friction she had been dying for all morning. They had grinded on each other before, but never naked and it was completely different.

"Oh, Hyunji," He moaned loudly, still half asleep he had no filter, or enough dignity to keep himself quiet.

"Shh, you need to be quiet." She circled her hips on him.

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