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Jungkook quickly walked back to his Aunt's house, peeking through the window he didn't see Yuri in sight. Walking inside he bolted for his room, the first thing he needed was a long shower before he dealt with her. He hoped Yuri would let him slip by without them getting into a huge argument.

Closing his door he turned around and went to his dresser, grabbing some pajamas before heading towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower, as he began getting undressed before getting in.

Jungkook swore he could still feel her lips on his skin, her teeth grazing the soft skin on his neck. Her hands curiously wandered his body, slowly gliding over his abs, teasing him purposely. His hand fell to his dick as Jungkook slowly started stroking himself, rubbing his thumb around his tip, sighing out in pleasure knowing his release was soon to come.


Taehyung looked up as Jungkook stepped in his room, freshly out of the shower.

"Someone looks like they just got laid." Taehyung chuckled.

"No, not exactly." Jungkook smirked, "I had a good time with her."

"I'm sure you did. What'd you guys do?"

"We talked, hung out. . . . . . . . Made out."

"Did you actually make out? Or just kiss for longer than 10 seconds?"

"Of course we did!"

"Details please."

"Oh wouldn't you like to know?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow.

"Just come on and spill it already you know you want to!" Taehyung raised his voice.

"I pulled her on my lap and we grinded on each other, in the hot tub."

Taehyung raised both his eyebrows as his eyes widened.

"Well I wasn't expecting that." Taehyung spoke, "Now I can't look at Hyunji the same. . . "

"Then I asked her on a date."

"Thats great! Where are you taking her?"

"Oh," Jungkook looked down, sighing, "Well I haven't gotten that far."

"You asked her out but you don't know where or what you're doing?"

"She said yes in case you're wondering. Friday we're going out. . . Somewhere."

"What time?"

"Well, cuz' I didn't know where or what I was doing I didn't give her one."

Taehyung just shook his head. "This went downhill quickly. I'm gonna call Jimin and tell him to come over tomorrow. We have some brainstorming to do."

A few minutes later, Jungkook returned to his room, throwing himself on his bed as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. Laying on his stomach he smiled unconsciously thinking about Hyunji as he found his mom's contact, he heard the phone ring as he waited for her to pick up.

His mom answered the phone and Jungkook saw the background of their hotel room.

"Hey Jungkook, I was waiting for your call. I was hoping you didn't get to tied up and forget about me." She smiled.

"Of course not mom." He replied.

"You never told me, whose house were you going to?"

"Oh," He paused. "I went over to Hyunji's house. You haven't met Ji I don't think."

"Hyunji?" Ara's voice perked up. "As in a girl."



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