Twenty Eight 🔥

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Hyunji was shoved into their bedroom by Jungkook as his entire aura changed and damn was it sexy. He shut and locked the door behind him, his lust-filled eyes meeting Hyunji's. She was still wearing that maroon bikini he adored. It always made her look so hot and he had a permanent picture of her in it in his head.

Jungkook took his time, taking a few steps towards her as he pushed her into the wall. The excitement sent electricity through Hyunji's veins as she anticipated his next move, admiring his bare torso before the gentle touch of his thumb under her chin took her attention instead.

"My eyes are up here, baby."

His voice dropped a tone lower, turning her on even more, if possible.

She made eye contact again and saw a smirk form along his lips.

"You're gonna be tired after this." Jungkook commented before diving in to press his lips against hers.

Her boyfriend was noticeably more rough as he nipped and sucked on her lips eagerly. Hyunji could feel how needy he was, his hands sliding down her sides, stopping at her waist. Jungkook's lips danced down her jawline as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. He stepped forward, pressing his thigh between her legs to separate them before he looked up at Hyunji.

"So you want it rough tonight, huh?" He said under his breath, she shivered feeling his hot breath against her neck.

"That's what I said," Hyunji breathed out, not wanting to back down.

Jungkook was already leaving wet kisses on her neck while Hyunji felt her bikini bottoms getting soaked in anticipation. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes as his teeth grazed her neck before nipping at the area as he left a very distinct hickey on her.

"Oh, Jungkook," She let out a soft moan, gripping his hair.

"You're gonna be saying a lot of that tonight." He told her.

Jungkook turned her around to face the wall and she almost instantly felt him slap her ass catching her off guard as a quiet gasp left her mouth. Hyunji was already waiting for his next move as the hair on her neck stood up. She bit her lip feeling the next slap as she let out a groan letting Jungkook know she was definitely enjoying it. His hand tangled in her hair while his other snaked around her waist, teasingly going lower and lower. She sighed, feeling him gently rub her clothed clit, pulling her head back by her hair.

This was a completely different side of Jungkook. One she'd enjoy seeing a little more often.

"Let me know if you need me to turn it back a notch." His breath fanned her ear, as goosebumps quickly formed on her neck.


Before she could finish he scooped her into his arms, taking her by surprise. He took a few steps towards the bed before launching her onto it.


He chuckled at her reaction while she moved to the middle of the bed, not even attempting to hide her stares at him taking off his swim shorts. His swollen dick was begging for attention and dripping with precum. But he wasn't gonna give in so easily. Bringing his attention back to Hyunji he watched as she took off her bikini bottoms, already taking off her top.

"I didn't tell you to take that off did I?" He slowly walked towards the bed.

"I didn't know I needed your permission." Hyunji replied in a sassy tone.

"Well now you do."

The bed shifted when he got on it, straddling Hyunji he grabbed her wrists holding them beside her head pinning her down.

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