Seventeen 🌶️

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"You asked to go down on her at a party!? Wow, you're so inexperienced with women. It's her first time doing anything like that. Of course she wants it to be sentimental!" Taehyung scolded Jungkook from the couch.

"Seriously Jimin? You had to tell him?" Jungkook scoffed as he walked in the living room.

"Hey It's been a while right?" Jimin defended himself, "The party was over a week ago. I couldn't hold it in any longer."

"Well why didn't you tell me Kook?" Taehyung asked.

"Jimin handles the sex portion of my love life and you handle the love part."

"Doesn't this involve both-"

The screen door slammed shut catching their attention.

"Yeah, Jungkooks here. Not like he'd be anywhere else." Yuri rolled her eyes as she walked in.

Why is she always asking where he is? Yuri thought.

"What about me?" Jungkook turned his head around.

"Nothing, Hyunji was asking if you would be here."

Jungkook grinned hearing Yuri's words, making eye contact with his girlfriend.

"I'll be out of your hair soon." Jungkook replied, "I have to go stop at my house real quick."

Hyunji's eyes perked up as she looked at him. Her brain orchestrated everything that could go right happen if she could just go with him.

Ever since the party the only thing on her mind was the fact that Jungkook eagerly offered to pleasure her. Hyunji was pretty sure the offer was still standing, and she was willing to accept. Knowing Jungkook, he wouldn't initiate again, not wanting to seem pushy or force her into anything.

But going to Jungkook's house, alone, was something she wouldn't pass up.

Yuri put the keys down and headed into the kitchen for a drink. Jungkook took the opportunity and walked over to Hyunji, and grabbed her hand looking at her nails. The blush pink color on all of her nails except the glitter on her accent nail.

"It's pretty." He smiled.

"Maybe next time you can come with us and get yours done too." Yuri commented as she walked back in the room.

"Later tonight we're all gonna watch a movie, Ji." Yuri said as she made herself comfortable on the couch.

"Okay, sounds good."

Hyunji pulled her phone out of her pocket, quickly finding Jungkook's contact.

Ji: Pls wait to go to ur house so I can come with u 🥺

She watched as he pulled his phone out and read her text. Quickly replying to her.

Kook: Ofc baby 😘


The car rolled to a stop as Jungkook pulled up in his driveway. Hyunji looked at the apartment, noticing the nicely manicured garden in the front yard.

"My parents called this morning and my mom was nagging me to come water her plants." Jungkook said as he got out of the car.

"I'm sure you miss her nagging, it's been over a month since they left." Hyunji replied.

"I do. I miss home cooked food too."

"I'll have to make you dinner sometime soon. It won't be the same as your mom but it's not takeout either."

"Yuri's mom has been busy with work and taking care of her dad so it's been a lot of take out nights."

He walked up the brick pathway and to his front door, putting the key in to unlock it. Opening the door he walked inside, Hyunji following behind him.

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