Part 3

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I still wasn't happy with my friend was suggesting even though she was right, we could use Anam as leverage but I'm pretty sure her mother would want her daughter unharmed. My phone rang again and it was yet again Sinovuyo Ndamase.

//Me: what?

Her: can I at least talk to my daughter and hear her voice

Me: I never said I took your daughter

Her: but you never said you didn't have her

Me: well played. Sign the papers over and you can have her tomorrow

Her: I want proof of life first!

Me: you so annoying. Don't you trust me?

Her: have you given me any reason to?

I was walking down to the basement and I was met by a furious Olunje on his way up. He walked past me bumping me so hard I almost tripped... this boy was testing my patience I swear. I opened the door and switched the light on. Anam was staring into airspace.

Me: your mother wants proof of life

Her: where is she?

I put her mother on loud speaker

Me: your mother wants proof of life

Nam: Mom

Sino: baby are you ok? Has she hurt you anyhow

Me: ok that's enough

I walked out switching the light off

Her: you bitch if you dare lay a hand on my daughter

Me: you said you wanted proof of life. You have 24 hours Sinovuyo and don't think of involving the cops because I will know!

Her: if you dare lay a hand on her

Me: again with the threats. I might just be tempted to hurt her

Her: please. I'll sign the papers over to you. Where are we meeting?

Me: Ngqeleni town behind Spar 1pm

Her: you better bring my daughter with

Me: after I get the papers

Her: and I'm supposed to trust you

Me: we'll exchange! //

This woman was just something else. I don't even know why her daughter landed on my lap busy creating unnecessary problems for me. I got into the lounge and Olunje was busy with a phone that I am assuming must be Anam's, it had a pink pouch and it was bigger than his.

Me: you do know that they can trace that

Him: I don't know her password. Why does she have a password?

He kept punching the screen. I looked at him worriedly. I mean something had to be wrong with my son right? Why was he acting like this? Whatever it was it had to be mental.

Me: baby are you ok?

Him: she has a password on her phone. Why does she have a damn password?

Me: you can always ask her what the password is

Him: NO!

He snapped startling me.

Him: I don't want to talk to her. I'm mad at her

Me: what did she do?

Him: it doesn't matter.

I was confused. His behaviour was unusual. Just as I was in that confusion moment Zanele walked in carrying a sandwich and tea and joined me on the couch. I think my face gave me away.

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