Part 9

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It was good to be home, surrounded by the people I love and faces I missed seeing. I know I was only away for less than 48 hours but it still felt like an eternity. Being away from home made me realise that there was a high chance that I might not go to Harvard anymore, I don't think I can bare being away from my grandma for that long. I had just finished washing and when my grandmother came to check on me, she sat on the bed and patted right next to her and I went to sit and she gave me that warm hug I had walked into, we broke the hug and she cupped my face and pecked my lips.

Her: how are you?

Me: I don't know really. I guess I'm curious

Her: curious about?

Me: Olunje. I wonder if he's alive or something. Nobody said anything about him in the car

Her: he is fine. The bullet went through, he only fainted but he is ok. He is alive

I nodded.

Her: you really care about him huh?

Me: he needs help Gogi. I have all of this money from Sabelo that I probably won't ever use, he could use it

Her: and what about Harvard?

Me: Harvard... I don't know anymore

Her: what do you mean?

Me: I just.... I don't know any more Gogi. Having been away from you for those hours, I realised that I can't leave without you for that long. I would never survive being away from you guys for that long

She took my hands into hers.

Her: you read your bible right?

I nodded. I knew where this was going already. I don't know if you've noticed but my grandmother always has a scripture to back her up at all times. It's not a bad thing trust me but there are just days when you wish you could hear les about the bible and just be advised. I don't know if that makes any sense seeing that the bible is the way of life.

Her: what does it say about depending on man?

Me: but granny I'm not dependent on man

Her: saying that you cannot live without your mom and me is being dependent on man baby. You survived through God. You are sitting here right now because of God. I didn't save you, God did and if anyone will help you survive Harvard, it will be that same god. He who was and is to come.

I nodded.

Her: it's not like I'm trying to convince you to leave, I love having you around but baby Tshani is not a safe place for you with Olunje still out there not getting the medical attention he needs. A change of scenery will do you good.

Me: thank you Gogi

Her: in Hebrews 13 vs 5 he says he will never leave you nor forsake you and in 6 he says he is our helper and that we should not fear for what can man do to him? So baby girl do not fear because he is the lord. You being unsure of Harvard is fear. Think about that

As I was busy processing her words, Robin walked in followed by Buhle and Sino. They literally jumped for me and all gave me a hug, well it was a group hug. I don't know when my grandmother disappeared but when we broke the hug she was gone.

Snora: I will murder him. Is he still alive?

Rob: I overheard mom and dad say Daniel shot him

Bush: I hope he is dead!

Me: guys please!

I went to sit down and they joined me on the bed.

Bush: we sorry

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