Part 38

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We were back in school, spent my birthday at the hospital with mom. We bought cake and had a jolly good time then Sunday we all took a flight back to Cambridge. Weekend with family and my girl was actually good. I had fun and so did everyone else, mom was getting better by the day. She started taking treatment, it was late but she was getting better, we were told she had 6 months to live which was a bummer but we had come to terms with her being sick and not going to make it. well not that we had accepted it but we didn't have a choice but to accept things as they were, we kept praying for a miracle, Anam and I were strong in prayer and we haven't had sex since that day in my room. It was a moment of weakness for both of us and we agreed it shouldn't happen. Anam went back to Tshani straight after exams, she said she missed home. This year we weren't going to Tshani for holidays, mom wasn't fit enough to travel just yet. It was July the first week of holidays. I missed her even though I saw her last week Friday. I wasn't used to being here in July, it was so flipping cold but we had no choice but to deal, mom was home and she was getting there. We all took good care of her even though she hated every minute of it but she was happy with all of us there. I was meeting up with an old friend, someone I haven't seen since I went to study at Yale.

Me: Erick!

We shoulder bumped

Him: Marcel, mahn! How have you been? How's Yale?

Me: I'm in Harvard now

Him: I see the boy's doing big things in those fancy school's huh?

I chuckled

Me: Harvard is good.

Him: you still with that Merissa chick?

Me: no... we ended a long time ago man. I'm with this other cool chick, Anam Ndamase

Him: she African?

Me: of cause. I met her last year when I went there for Holidays and my life has never been better

Him: somebody's in love... glad to see that you growing up

Me: says the person who refuses to grow up

Him: I wish. I'm forced to grow up man. I have a baby on the way

Me: you lie! With who?

Him: isn't it obvious? I've only ever kicked it with one girl my whole life

Me: congrats

We shook hands. The guy's been on and off with his high school girlfriend and now they expecting... WOW!

Him: I'm scared as shiit!

Me: how far is she?

Him: she's 8 months already

Me: wow! are you ready?

Him: who's ever ready for a kid, especially at my age and salary

Me: you're a great guy and I know you going to make a great father

Him: I hope so. Emily has been a pain in the ass since the pregnancy. I am not dealing at all. I can't wait for her to give birth already

I laughed

Me: that bad?

Him: you have no idea. her hormones are all over the place, one minute she wants this and the next she wants something else, I can't keep up.

I laughed at him, the way he said it was more like a cry for help

Him: wait till Anam is pregnant! You'll see!

We both laughed. We continued chatting and catching up over good food and then when we were done we headed to different directions. I headed home. It was already late. around 5. The family was sitting by the fire drinking hot chocolate and playing monopoly. They were having fun; I couldn't help but capture the moment. I greeted then sat down and watched them finish off their game.

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