Part 21

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Days flew by quickly and before I knew it, today was the day I meet up with Marcel, it was Friday. I was nervous on another level. I woke up and did the usual morning routine and then went to attend my first lecture for the day. On my way I met the Prince. He's been very persistent this one with getting to know me and all that other stuff, he has been showering me with gifts and I've been returning all of them or give them to my friends.

Him: morning Beautiful

Me: hi

Him: Ouch. Why you so cold?

Me: Sam I told you that you and I can never be together and I asked you to stop with the gifts

Him: I know but there's nothing wrong with having a little hope

Me: hope won't get you anywhere with me

Him: Anam what do I need to do to get your attention?

Me: stay away from me

Him: I'm being serious

Me: so am I

Him: ok fine. I'll stop with the gifts and everything else but can we please at least be friends?

Me: that I can do

Him: really?

Me: provided you don't hit on me or try anything funny.

Him: Done!

Me: no more gifts or anything like that

Him: not even on your birthday?

Me: ok fine that's acceptable

Him: anything else?

Me: no means no ok!

Him: fine. We'll go by your rules.

Me: Great.

We walked into class chatting. I saw my friends and they gave me weird smiles and made weird noises... trust girls to assume what they want to assume without asking.

Him: aren't you going to your friends?

Me: no I'll see them after class

Him: mmmh ok.... So you were saying?

Me: I was asking. How many of your guys are there?

Him: firstly, I'm the first born, I'm 17, my little sister is 12 and my little brother is 10. And you?

Me: I have a big brother. He's 21

Him: where is he studying?

Me: he's working actually. Working in Business

Him: that's great. He must be over protective of you huh?

Me: you have no idea. When I was r... He is just over protective and annoying at it

Him: do you blame him though. I mean I don't want anyone near my little sister

Me: hahahaha what about her classmates?

Him: they know better than to go anyway near her. They don't even go as far as carrying her bag for her

Me: aren't you the worst

Him: the way I am with my sister is the same way I am with my girlfriend

Me: so you have a girlfriend?

Him: no... had... past tense

Me: what did you do?

Him: why do people always assume it's the guy that did something?

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