Part 48

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Anam's Belly was growing and my baby was healthy and growing. We had moved out of Campus and were living in a two-bedroom apartment not too far from campus. We were busy with our final exams and she was now 5 months pregnant and she was worse than before. I was pretty much her sex slave and cook and that's it... oh and her chauffeur to take her wherever she wanted to go and she was a cry baby who cried over EVERYTHING and by that I mean she would cry over a cereal that's finished or milk or because she couldn't get something she wanted where she wanted it or simply because it was too hot or too cold... I didn't understand why but hey... Hormones right? I just couldn't deal but I had no choice, I couldn't wait for the baby to be born already. We were writing our final paper's this week and I must say I was glad. Her friend Lisa practically lived with us during exams, Anam wanted her there anyway. Mo had come to terms with Anam being pregnant, she had warmed up to the idea and she would come visit us for the weekend and then her and Nam would go shopping and then she would come back and complain about how Nam is just difficult and emotional over everything lately. I was getting ready to go and write my second last paper when Anam walked into my room, yeah we slept in separate rooms. At the end of the day we weren't married so it was only fair I guess.

Her: morning

Me: hey babe

Her: I made breakfast

I looked at her with that "are you serious?" look... you can't blame me though because she was not one to cook and she was suddenly a terrible cook... she used to be a great cook but pregnancy changed her cooking skills and suddenly I was better than her.

Her: don't give me that look. It's just breakfast

She said with a shrug

Me: I'll be there in two minutes

Her: what time are you finishing?

Me: it's a practical exam, it's going to be 6 hours

Her: so you not going to be home for the next 6 hours?

She said sulking. I walked over to her and pulled her by her waist and kissed her forehead

Me: I hate it too but I don't have a choice here

Her: so what am I supposed to do for 6 hours?

Me: call your friends and study or you can go wash quickly and I'll go drop you off at their dorm

She smiled.

Her: ok.

She got out of my arms and went to her room to wash up and prepare to go to her friends. Anam never spent the day alone in our apartment, if her friends weren't here then she was with them. She was scared to stay alone in the apartment for some reason. I don't know anymore. I was an hour early, with the way my girlfriend is, trust me you'll want to be that early for your paper. I got to the kitchen and it was clean and a plate of food was on the counter. She had made scrambled eggs, bacon, pork bangers, toasted bread and orange juice. She loved orange juice and it was all we ever bought really. As much as I appreciated the effort but the eggs weren't edible, they were way too salty but the rest was ok. she came down after 45 minutes all dressed up and ready to leave.

Her: we can go now

I had just finished everything and just pressing my phone waiting on her

Me: aren't you going to eat?

Her: I'll get something from campus.

Me: at least have an apple bunny. Just something to hold

She huffed

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