Part 29

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It's been a month since my meeting with Marcel, we've been talking here and there but nothing of "us" getting back together. It's not that I didn't want him back or anything but ever since our meeting it feels like dead weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Sam and I got closer by the day but there was still nothing going on between us, I regarded him as nothing but a friend and he was cool with that... or at least that's what it seemed like. Siya refused to listen to me when I asked her to stay away from Ang and Lia, she said I was jealous that such cool girls took interest in her more than they did in me. I had made some friends, Lisa who was an undercover nerd; reason I say that is because she had that whole bad girl thing going on but was super smart, she was an 80s student who partied almost every weekend and Maliah who was a super sweet girl, so sweet she wouldn't harm a fly; she was also pretty smart, I have a thing for smart people by the way, unlike Lisa she didn't party and its quiet shocking because the two of them go way back from when they were 6 so I don't know how Maliah is still not influenced. I was walking with Lisa on our way to Maliah's room upstairs talking.

Her: you cannot tell me that you and the prince haven't kissed

Me: Sam and I are just friends. I don't know why you guys can't seem to get that through those thick skulls

Her: so you mean to tell me that if he were to hit on you or attempt to kiss you, you wouldn't respond?

Me: Sam wouldn't do that. He knows I have a boyfriend

Her: one whom you are currently on a break with. tell me, how does this whole break thing work anyway?

Me: I told you what happened between him and I

Her: yes, you did... but

Me: ha.a no buts

Just then Mal walked out of her room coming towards us with a huge smile.

Lisa: and then??? Whose got you smiling like that?

Mal: this cute boy who used to study here

Me: does he have a name at least???

Her: Johnathan Maize... my word he is so dreamy!

Lisa: Sam's Johnathan? Ohhhh child! That one is paradise! I can't believe that my friends are dating friends

Us: huh???

Lisa: you dating yumminess Sam and you are dating yummy John

She said pointing each of us. Lisa's craziness reminded me of Snora, I guess that's why we got along the way we did. Mal and I looked at each other and cracked up in laughter walking away from Lisa headed downstairs.

Lisa: what?

Mal: I never said we were dating

Me: and I'm not dating Sam

Lisa: and the smile and everything?

Mal: he said he wanted to take me out on a date that's all

Me: ncoooh that's so sweet, when?

Mal: tomorrow

Lisa: so we still going to tonight's party right? Nam you can't bail on this one!

Me: 20 minutes and then I go back to my room

Lisa: an hour and then you leave. I'll even drive you back here

Mal: it won't be the same without you and you know it

Me: you guys make it sound like I'm some party freak

Lisa: we know you not. we just love your company that's all

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