Part 14

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I slept at the hospital, I couldn't leave her there. I wanted to be there when she woke up. I wanted my daughter to see how much I loved her and cared for her but nope, she still didn't wake up. Sipho went home the following day and he bought me something to change, Dr Norris also didn't leave, she stayed there and her husband bought her something to change and he came with Anam's friends; Buhle, Robin and Sino. They walked into the room and they hugged me.

Rob: how are you?

Me: I don't know. I just want her to wake up

Bush: she'll wake up Ma, you'll see

Me: I hope so

Sino: hasn't there been any change?

Me: nope, nothing. it's like she doesn't want to wake up

Rob: that can't be right

Me: we've done everything. The rest is really just up to her

Bush: don't worry Ma, she'll pull through

Me: did she say anything to you guys when you were there? Anything that might make us understand why she would do this?

Rob: no Ma she didn't. she was perfectly fine when we were there, we were laughing and talking and she was even making jokes

Me: I think I ticked her off

Sino: why would you think that? You love her more than any mother could possibly love their daughter.

Me: but to her it doesn't seem that way. She confronted me last night

Rob: about what?

Me: her father left her sums of money, I didn't tell her so she blames me for the kidnapping. She says even if Olunje hadn't kidnapped her, Samke and her friend still would have taken her all because of the money

Bush: you were only trying to protect. You did nothing wrong

Me: it's me trying to protect her that lends her in such situations

Sino: she was just angry. She didn't mean any of the things she may have said to you. She's just been through a lot for someone her age. She didn't do this the last time; I guess this was her last straw

Rob: what do you mean last time? What happened last time?

Me: you don't know?

She looked really confused. Does that mean Anam never told her? But they so close though. Snora and Bush started looking around as if not knowing how to answer that question.

Me: a few months ago Anam was raped by her father down at the beach late at night

Rob: what do you mean Ma? I don't understand

Me: she and I had a fight about her wanting to know her father and then she ran off to the beach where Sabelo bumped into her and tortured her. She almost died because of me and here she is again all because of me

She had her hands on mouth. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she ran out and Bush followed after her. I didn't have the strength to follow her. I was also in tears. The thought of that night, seeing her bleed and so cold. It all came rushing back and as if that was not bad enough, the thoughts of the night I was raped came back in floods. I couldn't help the tears from coming out. My daughter has been through hell and I don't blame her for not wanting to live. Snora came to my side and she pulled me in for a hug. I just cried on that little girl's chest.




I got to Durban around 6pm and called a cab to drive straight from the airport to the taxi rank and from there we drove off to Mthatha. I called Nathan as the Taxi started leaving Durban.

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