Part 34

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Nate looked at me and shrugged. What was Merissa doing here?

Me: Merissa what are you doing here?

Nate: We'll give you guys some space.

Nate got up from his bed and he and Bri walked out of the room. I went to sit on Nate's bed, it was then that I noticed that she had been beaten. She was a mess. She had a blue eye, a busted lip and her face was just bad. I went to kneel in front of her and she just cried.

Me: Meri what happened? Did Terrence do this to you?

She nodded in tears

Her: I didn't know where else to go Marcel. I'm sorry

I pulled her into my arms and we sat on my bed. My heart was in pieces, how could someone do this to their girlfriend? If there's one thing I am against, its women abuse. Women are beautiful creatures, stronger than us even and they don't deserve a beating no matter what she has done to provoke a man. She does not deserve to be hit! If you so pissed at her, leave and go take a walk. Just don't hit her. I was pissed really; I mean how dare Terrence do this to the mother of his child. Is this why he told me to stay away from her? so that he can make her his punching bag? She cried and cried until there was no more cry left in her. she got out of my arms.

Me: can I get you some water?

She nodded. I got up and went to pour her some water and put a little sugar in it and gave her to drink. She put the glass on top of my table.

Me: Merissa what happened?

She shrugged.

Me: Meri what happened?

Her: it was Terrence. He hit me

Me: why?

I know it doesn't matter what she did because no matter what, no one deserves to look like this.

Her: he gets angry over everything these days. He lost his scholarship because they found traces of drugs in his system when they tested him last month, so ever since then things haven't been the same.

Me: you mean to tell me that he's been hitting you this whole time?

She nodded

Me: did you at least report him?

She shook her head

Her: even if I did, his parents know people and the docket would go missing.

Me: where is your baby now?

Her: with his parents

I kept quiet and tried to think of a solution

Me: you can't let him get away with this Merissa

She shook her head.

Her: If he gets arrested I'd lose my baby Marcel, I can't have that

Me: so what are you suggesting because I am out of options here

She shrugged.

Her: my baby is all I have Marcel and I cannot afford to lose her. she's my everything

She said crying all over again. I really did not know what to do, I had no double up here and Merissa wasn't meeting me halfway either. Just as I was comforting her like that my phone rang, I checked the screen and it was Anam. I didn't know whether to answer it or let it ring or what. Last time I didn't answer her call she ended up dumping me. I decided to answer.

//Her: hey

She sounded like she had been crying.

Me: hey Bunny is everything ok?

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