Part 39

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I came and then he pulled out and came between my thighs. He took a towel on the bed and he wiped us both clean then threw it on the floor, we got under the covers and he pulled me to his chest. I was no longer a virgin... yes I was raped a year ago and my innocence was taken away from me but it didn't mean I wasn't a born again virgin now. how I lost it again is the strangest part of it all. Just a few days ago he didn't want to have sex because he was waiting for marriage but now look at us. We both naked in his bed and trying to catch our breaths. I for one have no regrets, I've been wanting to do this for a very long time... I just pray that the holy father doesn't punish me for it, it's a sin and I know very well that granny wouldn't approve of it that's for sure but I am happy, I'm content and I am right where I should be. I was laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair.

Him: Bunny I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened; I broke a pro.....

I cut him off.

Me: promises get broken, it's normal. It happens. Marcel I love you and I know that you love me, I have no regrets so why should you?

Him: Anam you don't understand. We were supposed to wait for the right time.

Me: Marcel you were hurting, what was I supposed to do?

Him: stop me Anam.

I got sat up. I didn't understand him. He was throwing a fit at me when we should be embracing the moment. I didn't understand why he was being like this towards me. It was all foreign and it was irritating. I'm starting to think Marcel doesn't know what he wants really. He is hurting over his mom and I understand but I don't need this right now. We just made love and he's ruining the moment with unnecessary regrets. I love him. I don't regret anything! I was about to get off the bed when he pulled my hand.

Me: let go of me Marcel

He shook his head.

Him: no Bunny. Come here please.

I shook my head. I really wanted to get away from him but he didn't want me too.

Him: Anam please. Please just hear me out.

I thought for a second.

Him: please.

I stayed in that position. One leg out of the bed and the other in.

Him: I am in a bed space at the moment and I acted without thinking. Sex with you was great, it was amazing actually but it shouldn't have happened. We were supposed to wait, wait till we married and I can take care of us both. Things weren't supposed to be this way Bunny. I know you feel as if I don't want you but I do, I've been craving you since day one but I wanted to respect you and your family by doing things the right way.

I tried to understand his logic but nothing. It didn't make any sense to me but I took it anyway because what other choice do I have huh?

Him: forgive me?

I turned to look at him and I couldn't, I couldn't not forgive him. It was impossible to stay mad at him! I loved him. I was madly crazily in love with Marcel Norris! I got in properly and then we hugged, he kissed my forehead.

Him: I love you ok?

He was holding my face with his forehead pressed against mine and looking deep into my eyes.

Me: and I love you.

We laid back and he pulled me to his chest. I played on his chest writing my name on it with my fingers as he played with my hair.

Me: puppy

Him: mmh

Me: you sleeping?

Him: no... just thinking

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