Part 37

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Classes went normal, boring if I may say. What I noticed about Harvard is that Yale was a bit ahead of them. Yes, they have everything here but Yale was very much ahead study-wise but as much as they were ahead, here they did topics we didn't do back at Yale so it was understandable. After class I decided to head over to Anam's dorm, I needed her. On my way to Anam I decided to call Mom but she wasn't answering her phone, I kept trying but nothing. I eventually tried calling dad.

//Him: son

Me: Mom's not answering her phone

Him: your mother has been admitted to hospital

Me: what do you mean? What's wrong with her dad?

Him: she wasn't feeling ok so I took her to hospital

Me: how serious is it?

Him: at this point we can't really tell

Me: but she's going to be fine right?

His voice was shaky meaning he himself didn't know where mom's health stood at this point, I didn't want to think of the worst but dad's voice was making it impossible to not think of the worst possible scenario.

Him: she's going to pull through. Your mom is the most strongest person I know

I just nodded as though he could see me. he was trying to calm me down and not panic but really it wasn't working.

Me: alright dad. I'll see you when I get home

Him: ok son. Study hard and make us proud

Me: will do dad. Bye

Him: bye son. //

I got to Anam's dorm and called her first, she's hardly in her room and if she is she normally has company. She answered after a while sounding as though she had been laughing.

//Her: hey Puppy

Me: hey Bunny, you in your room?

Her: no babe I'm in Lisa's room

Me: ok

Her: where are you?

Me: I'm at your dormitory

Her: ok I'm coming down, meet you in front of my door.

Me: sure//

Judging by her response, I think she sensed that I wasn't ok. this is just one of the things I loved about her, she knew me all too well and she dropped anything to make sure I was ok. this one time I fell so ill I was hospitalized, that time she was busy with exams but she brought her books to the hospital and also took care of me. she was heaven sent no doubt and you people wonder why I love her so damn much and never want to lose her. She is an Angel sent specially for me. yeah sure we've had some fights and all but they were never bigger than us. She came down looking ever so beautiful wearing skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket with a black half boot that had a heel. She didn't say anything, she just pulled me in for a tight hug. After what seemed like 10 minutes she let go of me and brushed my shoulder

Her: is everything ok?

I shook my head. She opened her room door then we got inside and she locked behind her. we went to seat on top of her bed.

Her: what's wrong babe?

Me: mom is in hospital.

She gasped in shock.

Her: what? What happened to her?

Me: dad won't say. He said I should come home.

I said shrugging

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