Part 41

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But Anam took the test. I was there with her and it had one line meaning it was negative. What did this guy mean baby? Clearly I wasn't the only one with questions because Cy and Snora were just as shocked. Cy chuckled in disbelief

Him: What baby?

Doc: your sister is 3 weeks pregnant. The first trimester is the hardest so she will need to take it easy

Cy shook his head.

Cy: no. not my little sister. Anam is not pregnant doc. Run a few more tests

The doctor stood there not knowing what to say or do.

Cy: why are you still here?

He didn't ask any more questions, he just walked away. Cy turned to Snora and I meaning we had a lot of answering to do.

Cy: Did you guys know?

I shook my head and so did Snora, I think he was pissed and also disappointed. I couldn't tell but his voice was bold and commanding so it meant he meant business.

Cy: answer me Buhle. I know you know something.

Me: she took a test and it came out negative

I really didn't know what was expected of me really. I was scared of Cy when he got like this. the sister he spent protecting all these years was pregnant.

Snora: the test was for Anam?

I nodded... I mean isn't it obvious at this point really?

Me: Gogi had a dream that Anam was pregnant so Anam and I figured it was best to take a test just to be certain

He kept clenching his hands almost as though he was going to punch me. I figured let me just shut up instead because the next thing that would be coming out of my mouth from here on would be my teeth. I sat down. Cy kept pacing up and down and I kept tapping my foot on the floor. The doctor came back with the same news. Anam was 3 weeks pregnant.

Me: can we see her?

He nodded. Apparently she was awake now. We walked to her ward with Cy behind us.

Me: you scared the shiit out of us!

I said hugging her and so did Snora. Cy just stood by the door and looked at her.

Nam: hey Bhuti

He didn't respond. Anam looked at Snora and I, I shrugged

Snora: we'll give you guys space

Snora signalled for us to get out. I was scared for Anam because I know Sipho. He was disappointed and was probably not going to talk to her for lord knows.




This is the I don't know how manieth time I'm waking up in a hospital bed and most of the time the person walking in always has heart breaking news for me. the last time I was in a hospital bed I got dumped. Who knows what's going to happen this time around. Cy was clearly mad about something because he didn't return the smile I gave him when he walked in after my friends, and I haven't seen this person in months by the way so I was confused.

Him: were you that horny that you didn't have time to grab a condom Anam?

How did Cy know?

Him: I'm really disappointed in you Mntasekhaya.

He shook his head and walked out. Tears threatened my eyes, Snora and Bush walked in. they both just pulled me in for a hug.

Snora: everything is going to be fine. Marcel said he was going to get on the plane tomorrow morning

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