Part 45

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I've been here for a month now. mom was talking to me so that's progress right? Mrs Norris came to see me every day, she and mom. Marcel was back in school; he didn't want to leave with me still in hospital but he didn't have a choice. I forced him to go back. I even threatened to dump him if he stayed rather than go back to school. My friends knew about me being pregnant, they gave me lectures, every one of them but they meant well. They would email me the homework's they got or assignments they were given and I would do mine and email them to my lecturers. As for tests I had to write them online and the thing about an online test is that each question has a certain amount of time allocated for each question so there was no time to copy even if I wanted to. I was getting better, or at least I felt better than last month. I was sitting in bed chatting with my friends from school when my doctor walked in.

Him: hey patient

Me: morning doctor

Him: it's good to see you getting better

Me: I don't have a choice now do I? I just want to go back to school already

Him: I should have known there was a reason you got better this quick

He was busy observing me, taking my pressure and all that other stuff.

Me: I'm sick of this place doc. The food they give

I said making a disgusted face and he laughed at me.

Him: despite everything you are probably my favourite patient

I smiled

Me: aww doc, I'm flattered

Him: don't tell my other patients though

She said whispering. I looked around and whispered back

Me: don't worry it will be our little secret

He chuckled and I laughed.

Him: ok back to business. You seem good to go home a...

He did even finish when I jumped to hug him. I was going back to school! I couldn't hide my excitement. I couldn't wait to get out of this place. He hugged me back laughing

Him: I thought you loved it here

I got out of his arms.

Me: it was ok because then I wasn't doing any chores or whatsoever but let's be honest, its sucks being here! I cannot wait to go home and sleep on my comfy bed.

He laughed at me

Him: I've already called your mother and she is on her way.

Me: you discharging me?

Him: on one condition

Me: name it!

Him: take it easy ok. take your medication and finish the cycle. Stay away from stressors or anything that might harm the baby. Also I have a doctor friend in Cambridge and I sent him your file, he will be your doctor over there and you will go to him for check-ups and everything else ok

I nodded like a 5-year-old waiting for a sweet.

Him: you so cute kiddo. Anyway I will come back when your mom gets here ok kiddo?

I nodded again. With that he walked out laughing at how excited I was. I couldn't contain my excitement. I took my phone and called Marcel crossing fingers he wasn't in class. He answered after a while in a sleepy voice.

//Him: hey Bunny

Me: hey Puppy. Guess what?

Him: what?

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