Part 31

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On our way back to school I was quiet, actually no one was saying anything to anyone. I couldn't stop thinking of what Marcel, how he handled the situation. I know Sam, Sam cares a little too much for me and knowing him he would even go as far as fighting with Marcel if he dare tried anything and this is coming from someone who's known him for some time now. I think Sam protects me the way he does because he sees his twin in me, this one-time last week this made some nasty comment which Sam did not like, he beat the guy up. So you can imagine why I wanted to break up whatever was erupting before me. It's not that I didn't want to speak to Marcel, it's just that he was pissed and having two pissed guys was only going to ruin things for me and the last thing I want was someone I cared about landing up in a hospital bed. I was still lost in thoughts when the car stopped without warning. Ethan got out of the car and so did I together with Sam. We saw Siya in front of the car, her clothes were torn and had some blood stains, she was in tears and begging for help.

Me: Oh my god. We have to get her to the hospital

I took my coat off and put it over her and helped her get up. The guys didn't ask any questions, we rushed to the hospital to get her the help she needed. I kept asking myself where did she come from? Was she at the party too? How did she make it out of the door without anyone helping her? where were her so called friends? I had so many questions that needed answering. We were sitting in the waiting room.

Sam: what the hell happened?

Ethan: she just came out of nowhere waving her hands asking me to stop the car.

I was sitting there quiet this whole time processing everything. What if she was raped? Her clothes were torn after all and she was beat up... I tried to refrain myself from thinking of the worst possible scenario but I couldn't, her fear was all too familiar. After what seemed like an hour or two a nurse finally came to us.

Me: is she going to be ok?

Her: I need her parents or anyone related to her

Me: she's my sister, our parents are back in South Africa. Can I see her?

Her: ok follow me

The guys looked me probably surprised by my lie seeing that I hardly tell that many lies, not even to cover up for someone. I was scared for Siya and I felt like I failed her. I followed the nurse to Siya's room. She was sleeping.

Her: has your sister been drinking tonight?

Me: I don't know. She called me crying to come and fetch her and that she was scared, when we got there she was like this, her clothes were torn and she seemed frightened. Is she going to be ok?

Her: we found traces of alcohol and a date rape drug in her system, lots off it.

Me: was she raped?

I asked holding back tears

Her: no she was lucky. She probably got away on time

Me: oh ok thanks. Can I have a minute with her

Her: yeah sure take all the time you need.

She walked out and I sighed in relief. At least she managed to get away from whoever was trying to get in her pants. I sat on the chair next her bed holding her hand hoping and waiting for her to wake up. It then hit me, I don't know much about her, I don't know her parents or if she has siblings or anything. I just don't know her at all and I just lied and said she was my sister... nice one Anam! There was a knock on the door, I turned and it was Sam who seemed to have sobered up a bit.

Him: I bought you some coffee... well I didn't know what to get you

Me: thanks.

Him: how is she?

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