Part 32

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**Sam Lewis

Anam friend zoned me, it's not the end of the world. There's something about Anam that reminds me of my twin, I can't really put my finger on it but there is definitely something. She's so sweet and caring, I mean Siya didn't deserve Anam's kindness after what she did when Nam warned her but Anam was here for her and by the looks of things she wasn't going anywhere. Anam had a golden heart that's for sure, I don't know how she ended up with that guy, a guy who would drop stand her up to go and support his ex. I mean the guy didn't deserve but she loved him anyway. While we were waiting for Anam to come and report something to us about Siya I decided to call Johnathan. He once had a thing for Siya before. His phone rang for a while before he answered.

//Him: did you see the flipping time?

Me: Siya's in hospital

Him: what? Which Siya?

Me: your Siya.

Him: what happened?

Me: get here and I'll explain

Him: which hospital?

Me: Not far from school

Him: I'm on my way. //

I went to sit next to Ethan

E: you think she's going to be ok?

Me: I hope so. Did you call the squad?

E: yeah, they on their way. I'll leave with them when they get here, you just stay with Anam

Me: sure

E: you messed up tonight

Me: no, he messed up

E: arguing with her boyfriend on her behalf wont score you any points bro. you handled the situation childishly

Me: so what? I was supposed to let him talk to her anyhow?

E: you of all people should understand that what involves two people does not need a third party. I understand you care about her and you don't want her to get hurt but buddy it's not your job to worry about such, she has a boyfriend to worry about her like that and she's a big girl who can take care of herself. Anam is a rose dude

Me: I hear

E: I need you to more than hear me Samuel. Let her deal with her boyfriend how she wants, if she asks you not to get involved, don't. you'll only push her away if you do that

I nodded. Maybe Ethan was right, I needed to apologise to her ASAP. I went to go get her coffee and then asked for Siya's room and I went in to see her. Siya was sleeping by the looks of things and Nam was just sitting there next to her. we spoke a little and then I sipped on my hot coffee, just as we were sitting like that Jonathan walked in.

Him: dude what happened to her?

Nam: you know Siya?

Me: they almost dated. We found her on the streets on our way back to school from that party

Him: what was she doing at a party? What was she doing in the streets this late?

Me: I'm assuming she went out with her friends and things took a turn

The guy was panicking; John was in love with Siya that much I can say. Anam looked at me with a confused look and I signalled that we give them space and talk outside.

Me: we'll give you two some space

He nodded and walked over to sit on the chair Nam was sitting in. we got out and stood at the passage.

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