Part 15

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Last night I called Nate to tell him about my safe arrival and then went straight to bed, I wasn't hungry or whatsoever... even so going to bed didn't change anything because it just wouldn't be morning already so I can go see her. I was mad at Anam to say the very least. I was furious even, I asked her not to do anything stupid. I get it, everything was too much for her to handle but that's what I'm here for, that's what her friends and family are here for; to help her carry the weight. I don't know when I fell asleep but I was woken up by mom... she was not happy.

Her: what are you doing back home? You supposed to be in Washington Marcel

Me: mom please. Can we do this later on?!

She pulled the blankets off me. It was sooooo cold! SA June weather is the worst! She was fuming.

Her: NO we doing this now! You are supposed to be at Charles Hopkins learning!

Me: how can I learn when my girlfriend is lying in a hospital bed?!

I don't like being woken up like this and I hate being shouted at too, I have ears, nobody needs to shout at a dude! Me being in the state I was in made me spill some shiit I wasn't ready for her to know just yet! Her expression went from fuming to confused.

Her: you and Anam?

Her jaw was on the floor. I just nodded

Her: when did it start? How am I only hearing about this now?

Me: it started during Easter Holidays mom

Her: and?

Me: and what?

Her: don't play smart with me

Me: I wasn't ready for you to know mom now can we drop it!

Her: wow!

Me: can I get back to bed now. I have to wake up and go see her

Her: she's awake

Me: what do you mean she's awake? What are you talking about?

Her: she woke up this morning. Everything is perfectly fine

I had a bit of mixed emotions. I was happy but I also was still mad at her for what she did.

Me: I have to go see her

Her: yeah you should, I'm pretty sure she misses you.

Me: yeah

Her: I'm not proud of what you did about the whole CH thing thou

Me: I know mom and I promise I will make up for it next year

Her: Marcel that is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm talking about a guaranteed job straight after University. Don't you ever do what you did again. I don't care who does what. I understand love, I really do but it shouldn't stand in your way of learning

Me: I hear you mom

Her: I am serious. Let this be the first and last time you ever pull a stunt like that! Anam has a mother who is a nurse and she has me. There's nothing you could have possibly done to wake her up

Me: yeah but she's awake upon my arrival isn't she?

She pushed me playfully.

Her: just don't do that again ok?

Me: yes Ma'am.

Her: go wash and prepare. We leaving in an hour

Me: yes mommy

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