Part 4

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The last time I spoke to my little sister, she mentioned that the parents knew about Anam missing and that they were doing everything they can to help Sino out in finding Anam. I was hoping and praying so hard that that they find her and I was not looking forward to 23 hours of flying. On the way to Durban I had been dreaming about her a lot. There's this one dream that caught my attention though. It was like she was talking to me through dreams, it was scary really and unrealistic. I mean surely it's not possible to talk to someone through dreams right.

*/Her: I don't want you to miss out on this opportunity because of me

Me: but Bunny I need to find you and make sure that you are ok

Her: I am fine Puppy and I will be fine. Olunje loves me, he would never hurt me

Me: so it really is Olunje that kidnapped you

Her: yes, but Puppy I don't want you to worry about me. Worry about impressing the important people at CH ok?!
Me: but I want to come back

Her: I understand that. Look, it's a done deal that I'll study in Harvard next semester. You will see me soon ok

Me: Anam

Her: Marcel please. Travel safely ok! /*

I was woken up by the taxi stopping, we were at the robots entering Durban. We arrived in Durban around 7 and my flight was leaving at 8pm. I still couldn't believe the dream I just had, why would Anam want me to leave her, she's not safe but at the same time if I don't leave she will unleash hell on earth for me so either way I had to go whether I wanted to or not. I called Robin before boarding the plane and asked her for updates but she didn't have any, instead she told me to go to CH and let the family deal with finding Anam. It was if she knew the dream I had by the way she spoke, she told me how Anam wouldn't want me to miss such an opportunity. I boarded the plane and found my seat then put my earphones on and took out my notebook and read up on things I felt I should know.




Last night I had a dream about Marcel and I, it felt so real such that I didn't want to wake up from it. He didn't want to go and attend the conference for lord knows why which I obviously thought he was being silly and dramatic. I woke up the next day still where I was last night except this time I saw some woman I did not recognise staring at me as if she had been waiting so very long for me to wake up. She wasn't pretty nor was she ugly... she was uhhhm... average, not the good kind of average because the way her body was shaped was nothing but a mess. Call me silly or whatever but she looked as if God created her in a hurry to go somewhere. Anyway I was so tired, sleeping in a chair will do that to you.

Me: who are you and what do you want from me?

Her: relax, its nothing major. All we need is your mother to sign those papers and you free

Me: what papers are those?

Her: you'll find out in a bit.

Just then Samke walked in alone.

Samke: good. You're awake

Me: what do you want from me?

Her: nothing from you, just your mom to sign those papers that's all

Me: I don't follow

Her: I am Samkelisiwe Sibonda-Makhu. Your father's wife or ex-wife, whichever you prefer because he and I were in the process of a divorce when he died.

Me: ok?? What does your divorce have to do with me? Sabelo and I had no relationship

Her: I know, but he wanted one with you. He wanted one with you so bad that he signed off all his assets over to you.

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