chapter 1

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                                                                          Egypt Finley's POV:

|| Location/day: Egypt's house, Monday ||

                                               * Alarm beeps *

"Ughhhhhhh" I said, turning off my alarm and not even looking up from my pillow. I stayed on my bed for 10 minutes wondering why I couldn't even get some sleep for at least a good two hours. "Egypt, time to get ready for school!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I sighed and got off of my bed. Oh, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Egypt and I'm a black girl and who is light skinned and lesbian who is also intersex a bit of an odd combination I know or maybe it isn't, but anyways i have very messy curly hair Aswell. 

I use to have a girlfriend but that's a serious topic for me, but i guess i could tell you anyways..uhm she died in a car crash coming to my house i feel really guilty about it if it wasn't for me asking her to come over she would have never got in that car crash i had to get a few  years of therapy for it and still do but only sometimes I have mostly healed and moved away from that awful city anyways, but now you know about me. 

"Okay mom!" I yell and go to my closet; I put on my yellow and black striped sweater and some light blue jeans. I grabbed some long white socks and grabbed my sky-blue themed shoe with blue strings and yellow themed shoe with yellow strings.  

I like wearing shoes that don't match each other. It just seems so boring to wear shoes that are the same color theme.

After that i do my morning routine and dont take a shower seeing a took a cold one earlier for... reasons.

 I grab my skateboard and head downstairs i put my skateboard by my chair and sit down and eat my pancakes, after a few minutes of me choking from eating so fast my mother scolding me and me washing my hands and face i go out the door and start skating down the road to my school maple leaf school for girls, i still don't get why my mom put me in a school with only girls knowing i will have gay panics at least 10 times a day, oh yeah my mom knows I'm gay my dad dose to but he wasn't supportive about it that's why i only live with my mom being an only child sucks but at least I'm getting a cat! I can't wait to get him.

 His name is sandy because of his sand-colored fur. He looks so cool in the sun I can't just wait until we get him! "Oooo wasup baby faceMy friend Angel says waking me up from my thoughts.

 Oh and also Angel's name is a whole lie she is a troublemaker lights buildings cars and sometimes even people, nah I'm joking only partly- but she's never done anything to me i think it might be because I'm her friend well best friend but she says it's because I'm too much of a sweetheart to ever feel such pain from others or even her, i smile at the feeling of being loved by someone who's not my mom it use to be my girlfriend but she's dead now. 

I guess Angel came to replace that love also Anne and Sam. "go-" before I could say anything else. Angel cut me off "good to know now we need to get you a girlfriend!" Angel says, I knew I was blushing when I felt my ears and cheeks get hot "oh sorry i forgot how easily you blush" Angle says, chuckling a bit. I hit her shoulder while whining and telling her to stop laughing, "Stop making fun of me!" I say to Angel. My other friend Anne and her girlfriend Sam came over.  

"Hey guys please tell Sam that i can be a dominant if i wanted and i could dominant her" Anne says with a whine and pout "nah dude Sam is Definity the only dom in the relationship i mean she dose rail, fuck, and punish you right?Angel says bluntly which causes Anne to blush a bit, "I mean yeah, but i could still do the same thing to her at any time if I wanted!" Anne says blushing a bit Sam chuckles a that "oh yeah then do it right now right here then, i mean you said yourself you can do it anytime right?" Sam says with a smirk on her face, Anne looks up at Sam and huffs, she puts her head into Sam's chest whining as Sam puts her hands on Annes head playing with her hair while Anne is hiding her blushing face in Sam's chest.

"Welp looks like we know what the answer is-" i cut Angel off before she said the rest "Sam is the dom, and Anne is the sub" i finished for her "you cut me off just to say what i was gonna say?" Angel says looking down at me her brows furrowed, arms crossed "Yup!" Angel shakes her head oh yeah Sam and Angel are around 6 feet tall as for me and Anne we are barley at 5 feet i'm 5'1 while Anne is 5'3 i know im pretty short for my age especially since I'm in college but i don't mind it i like being small because it helps me not be seen in crowds, as if i would be in one last time i was i was on the floor almost getting stomped on by Billy but Angel was there to save me from getting stepped on also Billy is the basic jock and dork who's the definition of big dick small brain but he makes fun of everyone and anyone who tries to get in his way of being the best jock and bully ever. He bullies me because I called him out for peeing his pants when he said it was just juice in the 5th grade. I mean it isn't my fault that he pees his pants and plus it was kind of funny since he had white pants on, and you could see the yellowish color of his pants.

"Earth to Egypt!" Angel says waving her hand in my face "huh?" I said looking up at her "I was asking you if you could dominant someone." Angel says while looking down on my small figure "oh uhm no I'm a big sub i don't think i could even suck on someone's neck and act dominant" i say with a small smile the bell rings for being late and everyone sighs because they weren't late as for the people who are good luck with Ms. June Ms. June is like one of the meanest teachers ever her and Angel but heads a lot and if Angel gets detention they just sneak out and walk me home and then go to walk Anne and Sam home my house is the closest so I'm always the first person to get home "I'm gonna go put my skateboard in my locker and get my books ready for my second class period" i say "okay" they all say, and by second period i mean me Anne Sam and Angel skip first period like we always do it started to happen in elementary school and stayed that way i use to live in the suburbs with Anne Angel and Sam but when i moved we all moved we never stayed apart and we was together forever we all live in holly wood now, its super-hot but i'm used to it plus i don't really mind wearing my sweaters when it's hot outside i get to my locker and put my key in it and get my books for second period i put my skateboard in my secret compartment yes i have one.

 Angel made it for me by using the schools safety drill and the next day we told the teachers they put a wooden Blanck on it, after that Angel fixed it up to be openable and made sure it was big and long enough for my skateboard yes i know it's a dumb thing to do but trust me angel has done worse i close the wooden black and my locker door i see Anne and Sam making out while Angel records i smile and walk over to Angel "why are they kissing?" i ask "because Anne wanted to kick Sam in her foot for messing Annes hair up so now Sam is kissing her while messing Annes hair up even more i chuckle a bit Sam breaks the kiss and smirks while Anne is a blushing mess from being flustered and also mad "I dare you to kick me again" Sam says looking down at Anne "n-no.." Anne says looking down at her feet fiddling with her fingers Sam grabs Annes chin and kiss her forehead "you're so adorable" Sam says smiling while Anne is blushing even more her green eyes shining from the sun being in her face. 

"Okay okay, as much as i love recording this I'm running out of storage and you guys are making me feel single" Angel says while sending the video to our friend group gc with the boys who don't go to this school aka Alex, Max, and Steve. 

|| a/n updated version of chapter 1 done ^^|| 

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