chapter 10

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POV: Iona

I stare at Egypt hoping and waiting for a response, but instead she just stares at me I look into her eyes trying to find any sign of anything, but she just looks like she's processing the thing I just said, I just hope she doesn't think of this in the wrong way.

we just stand there waiting for someone to say something but before i could say anything Egypt speaks first "do you like her the way you like me?" Egypt asks worry in her tone looking at me as if she was holding back tears. It breaks my heart seeing her like this and i shrug my shoulders not even knowing myself.

"I don't know I know we talked a bit, and we made some progress, but she was giving me the cold shoulder at first, but it all worked out in the end darling" I say being completely honest with Egypt not wanting to hurt her, "ok, well is this why you asked me about the other question?" Egypt says looking straight in my eyes I sigh and nod "use your words please" Egypt says more in a serious tone I raise a brow wondering if Shes playing with me right now, but I sigh and give in.

"Yes, it was why I asked you that question earlier" I say grabbing Goldy's leash like it's my life support, which probably is at this point. 

 "Well, I suppose I will think about it, but I do want to get to know this woman if I do have to share you with someone else" Egypt says giving me a small smile.

 I give her a smile back sighing also with relief of not hurting her, "okay um, just text or call or even meet me when you're ready to tell me your answer I won't press it so just tell me when you're ready" I say smiling even more seeing Egypt giggle at my rushed but nervous tone.

"Okay, okay but also do you think we could hang out even when I don't have an answer?" Egypt says, "Of course Darling" I say the smile still on my face, Egypt smiles back.

 "Egypt! cmon we gotta go!" I look up and see her friend that always calls her over when the other two are already heading for the woods "Ok!" Egypt yells back.

she turns around and looks at me with a big smile and then she kisses me, and I am shocked for a bit but soon relax in the kiss letting go of Goldy's leash and cupping her face smiling in the kiss she smiles back in the kiss then we both let go.

 "Okay I'll see you later!" Egypt yells running off.

 Does she ever get hot in those baggy clothes? I ask myself chuckling a bit as I see her almost falling while walking up the hill, she's so cute, and such an angel as well. 

I grab Goldy's leash walking on the path to the exit once I open the gate and walk to the parking lot, I see Dave with his black hat over his head as if he's sleeping.

I chuckle seeing the window open and hit him on his shoulder, "Woah! Jesus Iona, you scared me!" Dave says looking like he saw a ghost, "isn't my fault you choose to sleep in a parking lot with the window open" I say shrugging my shoulders putting my hand where the controls are on the side of the door and unlocking the back doors, I open the door and get Goldy in the seat then closing the door and going to the passenger seat.

I unlock my phone and text Egypt.

(a/n bold text Egypt)

"Hey darling"

"Hey Iona!"

 I smile at her simple text.

"who's that?" Dave asks. "a friend" I say with a smile looking at him he just chuckles not believing me and turns back to the road.

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now