chapter 18

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POV: Belladonna 

I wake up to seeing Egypt squirming in her sleep and whimpering I crease my brows and hold her a bit hoping it would calm her down it does for a little bit until it gets worse so I just wake her up she sniffles and seems to be having a panic attack as she struggles to breathe I put her on my lap since I was cuddling her side earlier, I then whisper sweet nothings in her ear and hold her hands hoping it would calm her down. 

soon it does she calms down to a normal breathing pattern which I'm happy of I then ask after a few minutes of hearing her sniffles, "what happened baby?

Egypt rubs her tired eyes and mumbles, "nightmare

I nod then ask, "wanna talk about it or no?" Egypt nods "Later when Iona wakes up too I want her to hear this also" 

"Okay baby, wanna cuddle or watch a movie while we wait?" 

"I think I'll go ahead and get ready for the day" I feel a bit saddened seeing the tiredness and hurt in her eyes she must of had a restless night. 

I then just nod and give her a small smile, "okay baby, call my name if you need anything" 

Egypt just nods back and gives the small smile and walks off to her bathroom, I sigh and run a hand through my hair before kissing Iona's forehead. 

she looks so peaceful while asleep and just so beautiful, I smile at her before kissing her forehead again, then her lips making her stir a bit in her sleep which makes me get up and stop kissing her then getting out of the bed. 

I peek into the bathroom and see Egypt washing her face and cleaning her face, I just smile for a bit seeing her at least not to down. 

I decide to leave her be for a bit and walk downstairs, seeing Egypt's mom I smile then say, "Good morning Ms. Finley"

"oh my! Jesus you scared me Bella, good morning

Ms. Finley says with a smile before saying, "are the other two still asleep?" Ms. Finley asks.

I shake my head, "No Egypt's upstairs doing her morning routine and Iona is out like a light" I say with a chuckle.

Ms. Finley nods, "Well breakfast should be done in a minute so go ahead and get Iona awake and tell Egypt to hurry up

I nod then run back upstairs seeing Iona still fast asleep I smile down at her and kiss her all over her face making her stir more and slightly whine as she tries to stay asleep, I just giggle and continue to kiss her all over her face making her soon huff and then smack my face making me roll my eyes then smack her back before saying, "wakey wakey eggs and bakey"

Iona just groans and rolls over away from me before rubbing her eyes then grumbling out, "yes Bella?" she says her voice deep and raspy, her voice fresh of morning voice. 

"breakfast is ready come downstairs to eat" 

I say with a smile before kissing her one last time making her kiss me back then moan slightly to which I push her back from her morning breath and say, "but first brush your teeth"

Iona just rolls her eyes gets out of bed in only a shirt and panties to which I bite my lip to which makes her turn around and glare at me as she caught me staring which makes me snicker. 

I walk into the bathroom to to brush my teeth with the new toothbrush Egypt gave me. We all just do our thing in silence but me and Iona keep a eye on Egypt since shes been feeling down all morning, but she should tell us since Iona is awake now. 

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now