Christmas special pt 2 😏

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Belladonna's POV:

Today was Christmas and it was all going super well, we all three had cuddled for a bit and watched Christmas movies, we all then baked and ate and even Iona's Brothers came over and also her father, and Egypt's mom had came over also which was super fun. 

right now we were all cleaning up after partying and opening gifts but Egypt and both Iona were acting a bit weird, since like the day started,  which I had brushed off at first but it was happening all day, And I even saw them two sneaking up to a room, but I knew they weren't going to have a quickie so it had confused me a bit. 

I then walked up to the room and peeked inside, I saw roses on the floor and fluffy pillows on the bed with kinds of other things and Egypt and Iona were fixing it up even more though it had already looked so good, I looked around the room one last time before opening the door fully, "ahem?" I said accounting my presence.

Both Egypt and Iona looked at me wide eyed before Egypt awkwardly coughs and hides behind Iona, was I not supposed to see this or something? 

"hey baby, uhm we didn't expect you to be here-

Iona said nervously while Egypt just still hid behind Iona and clutched on her sleeve tightly while sweating up a storm and looking anywhere but me. 


I say confused, why were they hiding this room from me?

"well that's because it was supposed to be a surprise, so surprise?" Iona says sheepishly, Egypt nodding along finally looking at me. 

I just laugh a bit before saying, "geez then you two are horrible at hiding secrets, plus aren't you a cop Iona? you should be good at hiding them" I giggled a bit to which Egypt looked dumbfounded of course followed along side by Iona  both their mouths opened agape like fish.

"well no fair, your the one who went somewhere you obviously knew we both didn't want to see, so therefore you are nosy"  Egypt said with a huff, Iona chuckled a bit, "well that is true"

I rolled my eyes, "you two are my girlfriends of course I'm gonna be nosy, that's my job" I say rolling my eyes, Egypt and Iona laugh before bringing me into a huge hug, "well we got you some stuff

"oooo what stuff?"

They both just shrugged as if not knowing making me put a scowl on my face.

they both laugh for like the 100th time today before saying, "okay okay were sorry were sorry, here here it is

they handed me two wrapped up gifts making me smile in excitement at seeing the form of a shoe box for one of them, the other looking kind of like a card, ooo a gift card?

I quickly unwrap them both in excitement first the shoe box of course, I love me some shoes. 

I gasp seeing the shoes that I had wanted but they were out of stock, I immediately got up and hugged them both tightly making them both hug me back. 

"thank you thank you thank you!!!" I say with a big smile on my face, Egypt taps my chest from being squeezed to hard which made me giggle while Iona was fine seeing she was taller than me so it didn't affect her as much as it did Egypt. 

I let them both go before putting Egypt on my lap and kissing her forehead repeatedly when I was finally done she had a goofy smile on her face and her ace flushed red from all the kisses I gave her. 

I playfully shove her away before going to kissing Iona, I brought her into a steamy kiss which she of course returned, Iona's hands went down to my waist as she continued to kiss me, her tongue sliding into my mouth. 

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