Christmas special! pt 2 😏

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POV: Egypt 

"I-Iona! s....s-slow down!" 

I whimper as I watch Bella get fucked, nope that's an understatement I mean demolished.

Iona chuckles and grabs Bella's hair, pulling on it as she fucks her from behind honestly, I wish that was me if I'm being honest, but at the same time how long would I not be able to walk?

I'm woken from my thoughts when I hear Bella screaming as she cums for about what? the 20th time now? 


I hear Bella mutter as she slumps down on the wet, wet, wet, wet mattress. 

"Oh, you think were done here?" 

Iona chuckles as she grips Bella's hair harder Bella groans and whimpers as Iona kisses her roughly, fudge this looks very hot right now. 

I buck my hips into my pillow (yes, she still has it) I bite my lip to contain my moans as I watch Iona and Bella kiss, Iona slips out of Bellas ass then turns her over on her lap and slides into her soaking pussy.

"Fuck Iona!" 

Bella moans, as Iona pounds into her pussy grabbing her neck from behind and I guess whispering things in her ear as she nibbles on her ear lobe. fudge fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge it looks so hot it looks so hot oh god I think I'm about to cum.  

I groan at the sight and Iona glares at me, luckily, I stopped humping the pillow because I do not want to get a worse punishment than this because God I want to be touched so badly right now. 

Iona slips out of Bella making her whine yet sigh in relief, Iona gets off the bed after putting Bella off her lap and Bella looks at me with worry and I gulp looking up at Iona, my eyes soon travel to her thick and long cock. 

I shrink in the chair and put the pillow over my painful boner, "you want to get touched so bad, don't you?" 

Iona says her hands behind her back as she leans into my ear, I can just feel her smirking loving seeing me like this. 

"Answer me Egypt" 

she says grabbing my neck and appalling pressure not enough to kill me but to make my head feel fuzzy. 


I say in a whisper, I look over and see Bella touching herself her fingers deep into her wet pussy as she grabs onto her breast I moan at the sight and buck my hips into the pillow. 

Iona looks over at me and I squirm not liking seeing her grey eyes pierce into my skin. 

Iona chuckles before grabbing my cock and putting her hand, up and down, up and down, and up and down, you get what I'm saying. 

Iona picks up the pace making my moans get louder I start to squirm yet of course she grabs my waist and holds me steady. 

"Hold still or else I'll be making sure you move around all night trying to get away from my hands slapping down on that perfect little ass of yours." 

she whispers in my ear; I moan as I hear her ascent thick with lust.

I watch as Bella plays with herself her fingers slipping in and out of her soaking wet pussy so easily, Bella looks back at me containing eye contact as she bites her lip, I groan and moan as Iona pumps her hands even faster than I ever knew she could. 


I say out of breath. 

"Please what?"

Iona says in a teasing tone, biting my ear lobe I whine and squirm not really wanting to tell her I want to get fucked harder. 

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now