chapter 26

273 13 3

Egypt POV

I whined as I was woken up by kisses all over my face and when I swatted away the face I opened my eyes to see a annoyed Bella mugging making me giggle before I turned over and stretched, Iona picking me up suddenly making me yelp, she then placed me down in the bathroom gave me a quick kiss and mumbled, "wash up

I didn't even have time to respond before she left the bathroom, I huffed but got a towel and got into the shower, they made me get in here without clothes on purpose I swear. 

I rolled my eyes at the thought before starting up the shower after getting a good enough temperature I stepped inside, relaxing under the hot water, it helping me wake up a bit more. 

I washed my hair with the products I brought, I don't want my hair falling out because I wanted to use some hotel products.

Once done with my shower I wrapped my towel around my body and reached into the drawer under the sink and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and then brushed my teeth and after washing my face with my rag and then leaving the bathroom in my towel.

Iona and Bella were both ready and just sitting on the bed in silence, I swear they've only known each other for a few months now but still act so close, like they just able to sit in comfortable silence. 

I grabbed my skin care products from my suit case then went back into the bathroom and did my skin care before putting it all back in my bag then grabbing some clothes and when I was about to go to the bathroom to change Iona stopped me with a smirk on her face I looked at her knowingly and pouted, "c'mon no, I just woke up like 20 minutes ago" Iona rolled her eyes, "good, that means your nice and awake to feel me inside you" I looked at her wide eyed before pushing her away and then mugging her, "No!" I yelled out and slammed the door in her face. 

I giggled to myself and put on the selected outfit I had and went back out now fully ready, but what I saw made me want to cream in my boxers, Bella and Iona kissing and fighting for dominance, I bit my lip and just watched being quiet so I don't interrupt. 

but of course my dumb butt stubbed my toe and I yelped making Iona and Bella stop kissing and turn to me, Bella giggling and Iona rushing over to pamper me. 

"woah lovely, be more careful dear, let me see" Iona said a bit panicked and I smiled at her softly for her worrying, and then sat on her lap and showed her my foot, she inspected my toe before kissing my forehead and humming out, "just a little bruise, you'll be okay" I nodded and then turned to Bella and flipped her off, "no care for me! I hate you too Bella!" I huffed out and Bella returned my middle finger and the left the room going down the hall into the living room. 

I turned to Iona and then mumbled, "so where are we going?

"The beach" She said simply and then kissed me tenderly making me smile before I then mumbled, "okay let me go get my swimming suit-

I then furrowed my brows before turning to Iona then asking, "wait, are you gonna wear a bikini?" Iona nodded, I widened my eyes, "No shame, no game I guessI mumbled and Iona giggled, "so what let them see my bulge, I could care less..

I rolled my eyes at her then hummed out, "yeah yeah as long as your not putting your dick in other women then were fine" I then pecked her lips quickly and walked into the living room with Bella, seeing I had grabbed my swimsuit when me and Iona were talking. 

"took you two long enough, what were you doing making out?

" I wish" I pouted out and Iona came into the living room with all her grace, It didn't really surprise me much seeing her wanting to wear a bikini I mean she wears panties and only boxers if she doesn't have any clean pairs, she doesn't care who finds out what's between her legs and I admire her confidence. 

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