chapter 30

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Egypt's POV

I was with Anna, Sam, and Angel. I was walking with them to their houses. Though my house usually is the first one we get too. I wasn't living there anymore, and Dave was supposed to be picking me from school everyday now anyways, so I thought I could walk them to their houses.

A couple of days had passed since what had happened with the twins and finding out about Iona. I never brought it up since I was to scared to even talk to ask about her brothers. Bella said she would help me talk to her with about it this weekend. Which is basically tomorrow seeing today is Friday.

"hey you alright?" Angel asked nudging me, Sam and Anna were ahead of us, I noticed their house. It was about a few feet away.

"yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking."

Angel nods. "bye you guys!" Anna said waving and Sam did also. Me and Angel waved back and watched them go home.

"sooo, you wanna talk about it?" I looked up at Angel and she was looking at me with a raised brow. 

"no not really. sorry" Angel chuckled, "no need to be sorry. but I do still wanna talk to you about that thing.." Angel started to get visibly nervous. playing with her baby hairs. "yeah sure, what is it?"

"alright so don't freak out okay? this is going to sound stupid crazy and-"

The ringing of her phone was heard, she sighed and she picked up the phone. Just then Dave had pulled up by us on the side walk. wait how did he know where I was? A question to ask him later on in the car ride I guess.

Angel frowned deeper seeing I was getting picked up I gave her a apologetic look before going into Dave's car.   

"whose the friend?" Dave asked as I got into the back seat. "Angel" I said simply. Dave hummed in acknowledgement before driving off. "and only a friend?" I frowned and kicked his seat, "of course! I'm not the cheating type you should already know that" I said crossing my arms and giving him a angered look. He only smiled.

"can never be sure" He said with a shrug before adding, "oh and also, get comfortable, we both know how far Iona's house is from here"

I sat back in my seat contently. Getting on my phone and putting in my earpuds. I seriously want to know what Angel wants to talk about. I mean is it really that serious? and she seemed nervous, does she like me or something? I quietly giggled at the stupid thought.

we were just friends after all. so what possibly would she want to tell me?


Bella still wasn't home since she had went over a friends for a school project, so It was just me and Iona here, my mom had went out with friends and Bella's mom? well we never know with her. I put down my school bag in my new room, and I went straight to Iona's room, her office is built into there. I had just learned that not to long ago.

I knocked on her bedroom door. No answer. I went in and saw she wasn't in here, I knocked on her office door. "yes?"

I heard her annoyed voice said behind the door, I opened the door and Iona was looking at her laptop still. She looked up looked back down then looked up again she then smiled realizing it was me.

"hi love, how was school?" I shrugged and sat down on her lap, "it was same old same old." Iona nodded in understanding and she closed her lap top before I could look at it. what was on there?

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