chapter 23 😏

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Iona's POV:

today was the day of the wedding, I was able to get Egypt to come which was great and also stressful seeing It took me like 7 days to get him to even consider the damn idea. 

I sigh before running a hand through my hair, I walk out my room finding Goldy sitting outside my door. I roll my eyes at him and pet him before walking further outside reaching my kitchen I see the maids making breakfast and I stretch before sitting down on the dining room chair and look at my calendar and my texts. 

I going into the group chat I have with me and Bella and Egypt before calling it, I need to make sure the two are awake first to get ready for the wedding anyways, and Plus me and Bella wanted to help get Egypt ready since first of all just to have an excuse to see her and second of all she doesn't know how to tie a bowtie. 

(bold Egypt and Bella) 

"hi loves, what did you call for Iona?

"yeah what's up?" Egypt asked in a sleepy voice. 

"nothing just wanted to make sure you both are up and ready for the day, Egypt do you have your suit and stuff ready for the wedding? You don't have to worry about a ride I'll have my driver take you there, hes a nice guy I'm sure you two will get along

Egypt yawned before she mumbled sleepily, "yeah when are you guys gonna be here?

"I'm already getting ready to leave and Bella's on the road already right?

"mhm" she hummed. 

"alright, lovely you can go back to sleep until we get there"  

"okay love you guys bye" Egypt said before hanging up the phone, I grabbed my car keys and phone and left my apartment. 

"you okay? your not nervous or anything are you? If so I'm always here to talk to love" I heard Bella ask, I pet Goldy one last time before shutting and locking my door then getting into my black BMW. 

"yeah why do you ask?

"no reason, had to make sure my soon to be wife was okay

I chuckled and got into my car and starting it up, "yes, yes I'm fine thank you for asking, I'm getting into my car now I'll be there in about a few hours you can go in since I know you'll be there before me, love you bye

"love you too! byeee" she dragged out before I hung up the phone, I then got out my driveway and began to drive to Egypt's house, it was super early in the morning about 5 that's why Egypt was so sleepy when we had called, but we all agreed on a suit for her to wear at the wedding that we had found online and I had ordered it to Egypt's place about 4 days ago, right now it was just the start of the weekend so Saturday, we had all agreed on this time since we wanted to be together before me and Bella had to part to get ready for the wedding get our make up and dress up ect ect. 

we already have people setting up the place since my father wanted the wedding to be at his place, which was huge and it was going to be in the ballroom of his place, he basically lived in a castle if I'm being honest, I never really visited unless it was it was to give him something while he wasn't at work and at home. which was like 2 times in the whole time we've lived here in Hollywood.

I looked at my phones making sure I didn't get any texts from my father about something important, I had already went back to going to my job not to long ago, but I was able to take today off for my wedding after that I'll have to go back to work. 

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