chapter 3

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                                                                             Egypt finley POV:

"He does look pretty cute to me. But for me I like cats, but I like dogs more" Iona says, smiling at me, yes me and i can't even believe it "It's the same for me but it's cats more than dogs" I say smiling back. 

"Hm maybe one day i could check out cats more with you and you check out dogs more? with me though of course" Iona says, oh my god is she saying she wants to hang out more!?!? Wait no she's probably never gonna see me again but then why would she say that??

 "Uhm, you mean you wanna hang out more?" I say looking up at Iona "only if you want to" Iona says looking at me with a smile her beautiful smile "S-Sure! Uhm can I give you my number?I say handing out my phone to Iona, it being unlocked of course.

"Sure, here I'll put mine in for you darling" she says grabbing my phone and we touch hands!! I can feel her golden and silver rings on her finger, but not only did I feel how cold and shivering, but not only I felt how slender her fingers are!! God why are women so hot? "i don't know darling, but i do know that they tend to be really good during sex" Iona says with a wink i blush and my eyes go wide. I said that out loud!? God i feel so embarrassed Iona notices the look on my face and chuckles a bit she gives me back my phone.

 "Tha-" before i could finish i hear Angel yelling out for me to come on, God it's about to be second period already? Iona looks up at my friends "looks like you have skipped class, i knew it was really early for you to be here as a college student what a naughty girl skipping class" Iona says with a smirk i blush and say bye and hurry off to my friends. 

"Who was that you were talking to?" Angel says with a wiggle of her brows "N-No one!" I say and hurry off into the woods. I make sure to look at the back of our school before getting out the woods Alex, Steve, and Max already left to their school since we both have different times we go to school and different ways there. I walk up to our school and go inside though the girl's locker room back door Sam and Anne and Angel are both behind me we go out the locker girls' room and leave into our classes after we say our goodbyes. 

"Miss Finley you are late" Ms. June says. I roll my eyes and take my seat in the back by the window. I like sitting in the back of the class. No one is there to bother you and the bonus is that it's by a window which means I can see the bird's nest every day and how the baby birds learn how to fly. 

Third period I have with Sam and Anne fourth period I have with Angel and fifth period aka our last is with Angel, Sam, and Anne so I'm with my friends the whole day besides second period if I go to first period then I have it with all of them too, but we skip first period like always. Ms. Junes class is the worst ever I wish I could skip second period to but sadly I can't since if I skip to many classes my grades will drop really bad and my mother will scold me for it all day and night, maybe even for the rest of my life but I wouldn't really mind it I mean it happens every time I ride my skateboard in the house, I know I know I should have learned my lesson by now but I don't understand lessons, well when I want to. I walk out of class when the bell rings signaling class ended. I spot Anne and Sam kissing while Angel is taking yet another video I chuckle and walk up to Angel "so what happened this time?" I say with a small laugh. 

"welp this time they are just doing it to do it" Angel says zooming in on her camera at the tongue action, Shes super weird if you haven't picked up on it earlier "why are you taking this video?" i ask looking at Angel "because i can use this against them some day and when i do i will have an album full of this" Angel says with a proud smile on her face i roll my eyes and walk over to my locker i swear Angel is like the person who would take facetime photos of you 24/7 

I giggle think of an image in my head of her doing that. i open my locker with my key and put my books away and get my other ones ready for third period i look into my lunch box and grab me some grapes, mmm I love grapes so much! They are just so juicy and tasty! After eating my grapes, I look over to see Sam and Anne yelling at Angel while she has a smug face looking at her phone, I guess it's the videos she took. 

I walk over and smile at seeing my friends "Egypt please tell Angel to stop taking videos of us kissing!" Sam says looking at Angel with fire in her eyes a friendly fire though. either way I swear I could see the stem coming out her ears like she was in a cartoon. I giggled at thinking of that "why are you giggling?!" Sam said looking even more mad, i laughed even more holding my stomach having tears coming out my eyes from laughing so hard i finally stopped and wiped my tear from my eye with my finger "I'm sorry, you just looked so funny it was hard to not laugh" I said looking up at Sam "well at least you got a laugh out of it i guess" Sam said with a smile patting my head well more like hair since i have so much hair you cant even get to the bottom of it.

 Anne looked at me and Sam and pouted. Sam playfully rolled her eyes and started to pat her head. "Angel Heart, please come to the principal's office" the speakers rang through the halls "ugh, when can i yell at a teacher and kick them in the balls and not go to the office?" Angel said with an annoyed face while i frowned "you need to stop doing stuff like that you know the only thing that is not getting you expelled is the fact that your father is a very wealthy person, plus you'll really mess up your record if you do stuff like that or even worse get really hurt" I said looking up at Angel "anything for you princess" Angel said with a smirk knowing I love nicknames "s-shut up!" I say my face heating up from blushing. Angel just smirked and walked away "look i know you and Angel are just best friends but i swear sometimes you guys' act like you're dating" Sam says holding Anne by her waist. "Yeah, i know" I say simply. my blushing slowly going down.


The bell rings as everyone starts heading for their class me Sam and Anne head to our class we have together once in I opened my sketchbook and started drawing that pretty lady at the park. 

(a/n chapter 3 updated ^^)

|| word count:  1277|| 

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