chapter 13 😏

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                                                                          POV: Iona 

(I had just decided to change this whole chapter since its pretty confusing to me at least, since I had forgot some things here and there, but don't worry the smut will be here this time ( ̄3 ̄)

I grumble as I have a boner, see I have this stupid thing because I was thinking about Egypt, in a more adult kind of way.

 But other from that I'm currently in my office, pretty annoyed by the fact that Hector, my father keeps calling me about some stupid stuff I could careless for, see I'm here on a mission to kill this criminal in the prison as a undercover cop but we still have yet to find out what we should get him in prison for, we could put illegal weapons on him, drugs, and much more, but we also need to find out how he gets caught, because every time I even list one of my ideas my father finds it stupid which is very annoying. 

I groan as my father calls me for the 10th time I grumble before picking up phone.

 (Bold Hector)  

          "Finally, you decided to pick up the damn phone."

I roll my eyes and say, "yes I did now don't make me regret it.

"Yes, yes, whatever I could careless, now did you ever do anything I had told you to do? like looking into it?

I sigh before opening my laptop I turn into the persons criminal files I raise a brow, a college student? odd. 

"Did you hear me?!" my father's stupid voice yells into the phone making me take it off my ear and rub my temple. 

"Yes, I did, a college student but I can't seem to find which one, it seems they were smart enough to put up some kind of firewall so people can't see this information.

I say, "Alright go ask one of those stupid workers of yours to look more into it.

I roll my eyes before saying, "Sure, I'll do it right away."

I hear him let out a sound of approval before hanging up the phone, not even a bye or a I love you, before hanging up the phone. 

I just rub my closed eyes tiredly before turning off my phone I then close my laptop before sitting up and leaving my room running into Goldy I pet his head before walking away from him I then walk over to my kitchen before eating some grapes I got from the fridge.

I hop on my counter continuing to eat my grapes. 


After a few hours I finally decide to go visit Egypt I had gotten some things done also in the meantime, like giving off the information to my father's people, trying to see if they could crack the firewall, I was unable to do. 

I then walked over back to my room since I was in my living room playing with Goldy, once inside my room I grabbed my phone and called Egypt, 

(bold Egypt) 

"Hey Iona!" 

Egypt's chirpy voice said as she answered the phone, I smile before saying "Hello lovely, how are you doing?

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