chapter 19

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(forgot to put their outfits in chapter 18 so here they are)

(forgot to put their outfits in chapter 18 so here they are)

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Bella's outfit ^

Bella's outfit ^

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Iona's outfit ^

(and Egypt's was just the spider man pajamas)

Egypt's POV:

today me Iona and Bella were all going to go on our second date, the movie night was perfect and I loved it so much! it was so fun, and we cuddled and kissed a lot which was a win in my book.

we all have never had sex all together to which I basically crave, I've seen Iona's body which is dang right gorgeous, but Bella's I've never seen, to which I'm very curious to see since I've basically been teased by those two all week, sending me photos of them in towels and also just very revealing clothing, that only showed parts close to their regions which is something I very much did not like.

But we all got on call one day and decided to go on another date today, to which I very much liked seeing our last one was just super good, but after this date I am going to determine if I really want to be in a relationship with the two.

I do know their both nervous about so I know their most likely going to try to make the date the best ever, they both told me I can wear whatever I want but I do also know their going to be wearing formal clothes, so I do highly look up to that.

like who wouldn't be? seeing Iona and Bella in a dress? that's actually heaven, at its finest.

I walk over to my opened closet and try to find something to wear, seeing a good enough outfit I put the clothes on my bed and go to the bathroom, taking off my clothes I just imagine seeing Bella and Iona in something formal, I know Iona wears both masculine and feminine clothing but she wears feminine more often and Bella shes truly just random with it, one day wearing something masculine and the next feminine.

Though they both do look good in either styles.

I hop into the shower after turning it into a suitable temperature, after washing my body off and running soap through my curls I step out the shower and wrap myself up in a towel.

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