chapter 2

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                                                              Egypt finley POV: 

They have pretty basic names but hey it's still names and also they all three are dating like in a poly the doms are Max, and Steve are the and the sub is Alex, they go to an all-boys college  which is right next to ours but they have tall fences and so do we, it's supposed to keep us from going to the boys school and the boys from going to our school because some kids would have sex with the boys in their school and the boys did the same.

"Hey uhm since we're skipping the first period and meeting up with the boys wanna go and head there now?" i ask looking at everyone "yeah sure come on weridos let's go" Angel says walking to the woods aka our hang out well not the woods but beyond them which is a huge dog park that we just sit and chat and hang out it's the only way we can see each other while in school hours since the rules of our colleges are so strict, but at the same time who would let other college students see each other in school hours? anyways we made our way to the woods Angel holds up a branch for me cuz my hair gets in stuff easily i smile at Angel and stops for Sam with a smirk as it hits her face Sam looks at Angel with a annoyed look

and once Anne get under the branch Sam runs after Angel and Angel runs away her long curly hair running wild me and Anne shake our heads and run after them both once we make it out the woods we see the boys there as well "looks like we weren't crazy when we heard your guys voices" Steve says in his usual deep voice it scared me a bit at first but i got use to it, max and Alex are behind Steve, max is looking at his phone his red hair blowing around from the wind while Alex is looking like he just got punished you can always tell because he sniffles and looks down which is what hes doing right now his eyes are red and pufy which makes me frown for him but i knew he probably needed it to stay in line "don't tell me Alex got punished again" Angel says rolling her eyes, Shes only doing this because Alex is a really big trouble maker and he gets punished often. Max looks up from his phone "yeah well he was being a very big brat. first this morning he talks back at me and Steve, then he yells at a teacher for telling him to stop talking in the halls, and the last straw was when he was starting to yell at me and Steve and cussing us out because we didn't let him skip his first period" max says while rolling his eyes while looking at Alex who was avoiding eye contact.

"Dang how many times is he gonna be a brat?" Sam asks only being playful hoping to lighten up Alexs's mood. meanwhile Anne is hugging her from behind "i don't know but the punishments will get harder and longer the more he acts up" Steve says while looking at Alex who was yet again avoiding eye contact "well it's nice to see you guys again" i say smiling "yeah it is" Steve says with a smile "looks like the subs like acting up Anne was being a little brat earlier" Angel says smirking knowing Anne is blushing heavily, which she is seeing shes trying to hide her face with her hair.

"oh really? What did she do Sam" Max says looking up from his phone again obviously interested by this "she just kicked my leg because i was messing with her hair i gave her a kiss while messing it up some more" Sam says looking down at Anne who was blushing and holding onto Sam tight "hm, sounds like her" Steve says with a light chuckle, Alex heads over to Max hugging him from the front "if this is an attempt to try and make me get off my phone its not happening" Max says Alex whines at the comment and pushes his head into max's red devil hoodie max looks down at Alex then back at his phone with a roll of his eyes, Steve chuckles and grabs Alex by their wrist and put his head in his chest "okay, okay guys we get you pulled more than we could ever get"

Angel says rolling her eyes "i mean you have Egypt don't you? Just go kiss her or something" Max said looking up from his phone and finally putting it in his hoodie pocket, i blushed a bit and Angel did the same, we looked at each other and Angel just smirked at me. I mean i don't really have feelings like that for her, but have you seen her face her personality if you have you would be blushing to. "Hey, hey before you guys really start making out, can we go check out the dogs?" Anne says we all nod and start walking to the dog park, Anne is always the person who likes to see the dogs and stuff now don't get me wrong i like dogs but i'm more of a cat person that's why I'm getting sandy tomorrow! I can't just wait to see him again and play with him. the last time i saw him was at the shelter when we was paying for him and all of his stuff His fur was so soft and warm and fluffy! I can't wait to touch his fur again. It was so fluffy!

"Hey earth to Egypt" Angel says looking down on me and my small figure "huh? Oh sorry I was thinking about Sandy." I said being honest "Oh yeah I loved that little guy, when are you getting him?" Angel asked, looking at me as we walked over to the dogs "I'm getting him tomorrow!" I say happily looking up at Angel with a big smile.

"Woah, i may just have to come over tomorrow" Angel says with a small laugh i laugh too. when we make it to the dogs this golden retriever comes over at me, i smile and play with the dogs ears loving how soft his fur felt "he seems to really like you" a stranger says i look up and i see the most drop dead gorgeous person ever, if it wasn't for her i would have thought Angel  was still my top 1 on beautiful women i met but now i see her as number one, God she looks so good, wait what am i even doing?

I promised myself to never love anyone ever again because it will break my heart and they are just being nice anyways i couldn't have anyone love me the way i want someone to i mean yeah i have my friends but they love me as a friend, a sister, family i want someone to love me as a girlfriend someone they love sexuality someone they see as their future wife not in a weird way of course "hey are you okay? A second you were blushing and then you started to look really sad" the tall, cute stranger said i look up at the tall, cute stranger and smile "yeah I'm fine, i tend to out like that a lot" i say looking up at the tall, cute stranger, why is everyone so tall?? Am I just short or something? The cute and tall, stranger smiles "that's good to know, my name is Iona Ross" the now known Iona says that such a cute but kind of intimidating name kind of royal like too. i bet they are a  dom too. I would love to be their sub, wait no snap out of it remember the promise!

"Oh and this little guy here is goldy" Iona says pointing to the golden retriever i smile looking down at the golden colored dog "that sounds like a good name uhm also i'm Egypt, Egypt Finley and I'm more of a cat person, but he is a cute dog" i say being honest. I don't want to lie to someone who is pretty looking, and her voice sounds so soothing and calming i could fall asleep listening to it.

I'm blushing like a little girl seeing their cartoon crush and i don't even feel any shame for it "oh, do you have a cat of your own? Also, you name is very pretty darling" Iona says looking down on my small figure i blush at the comment and look down at my feet for a minute "uhm no, but I'm getting one tomorrow his name is sandy do you want a picture?" I happily took out my phone from my pocket. "hm, sure" Iona says, i look up and smile and look at my album of pictures of sandy "here!" i say and show Iona my phone I showed her two pictures because he's just so cute.

( a/n chapter 2 updated ! ^^  )

|| word count: 1552 || word count for chapter 1 since i forgot: 1574 ||

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