Christmas special! pt 1😏

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(Sorry for not updating this like earlier, I am sick. but here I am writing it right now) 

(Also, this is simply an AU and there will not be any spoilers in this besides one thing that you will learn later on in the story, besides that this is simply just a smut) 

(This chapter contains of dominant/top Iona and a switch Belladonna and a submissive/bottom Egypt, and other smut things)

POV: Iona 

I look down at my phone and chuckle seeing Egypt and Bella (nickname for Belladonna) play around in the snow outside.  I get up and grab my coat. 

"Hey, you two, time to come inside the temperatures going to drop!" 

I yell as I stand by the opened door. 


they both say and come inside the house. Egypt and Bella take off their coats while I close the back door and lock it, I notice Egypt's flustered face and I raise a brow at that, but I leave her be seeing it's probably from the cold. I sit down and get back on my phone. 


I look up at Egypt and put my phone down beside me on the couch. 

"Yes darling?" 

Egypt looks down and I raise a brow. 

"Yes darling?" 

I ask again. Egypt looks up but when she meets my eyes, she looks away immediately. 

"Never mind" 

I raise my brow once again. 

"No, darling tell me what's wrong." 

Bella sits down beside me after moving my phone. she smirks before saying. 

"Yeah Egypt, what's wrong?" 

I look at Bella because of her teasing tone of voice.

"Bella what did you do?"  

I say with a stern voice Bella smirks and shrugs, while Egypt just fiddles with her fingers obviously embarrassed. 

"Fine, but Egypt and Bella you two are going to tell me what happened even if you don't want to, do you understand me you two?" 

They both nod but I Raise a brow and they respond with a small yes. 

POV: Egypt 

oh fudge- 

oh fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge. 

How in the world did I just let Bella get away with what she said to me outside. 

-flashback- (when there were outside "playing" in the snow) 

I giggle as Bella lifts me and places me on the table we have outside and kisses me all over my face. 

"Bella stop!" 

I giggle as she just smiles and keeps kissing my face.

Bella then smirks and I see her blue eyes turn a tiny shade darker which kind of freaks me out but knowing Bella this means nothing good. 

"Hm, but that wasn't what you were saying last night on was it? wanting me to pleasure you so much until your vision is blurred from your forming tears, oh how much I would love to see my little slut begging me to fuck her harder, as I jerk you off until you cum. Fuck you're so lucky you're a virgin because I would have been used a strap-on on you baby holding your nice curly hair in my hand as I make you suck on my pussy, I bet that makes you wet huh?" 

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