chapter 20

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Iona's POV: 

as much as I hate this police job I still have to go, but I have been calling in sick for like the past few weeks so I could dig some more information on this guy we've been trying to figure out since we moved here. 

Though today is Thursday so I'll go in tomorrow and see some of his records since the police already have a ongoing case on him that me and my father set up, so once they catch him he'll be sent to the prison where we already have a undercover cop there so will be killing him and sadly we'll be leaving after that.

 Bella knows all about this job since well she has to get married to me and already knows some of my background and who my father really is, but we never told Egypt, if anything she doesn't even really know anything about my job if I'm being honest.

 Though Bella wants to tell her I had to beg her not to. I mean what would Egypt think when she finds out I work for the mafia? one of the dangerous and most successful ones there is? would she still like me? would she run away and I would never see her again? 

I walk downstairs into my office letting Goldy come in the run behind me before sitting down on my chair and filing out some of these work files for my father, I pet Goldy's head while also reading on the files. 

hearing my phone buzz I raise a brow before grabbing my phone seeing it was Egypt and Bella I smile and pick up the call. 

(bold Egypt and Bella) 

"hi you two, what are my two loves doing?" 

"nothing just hanging out really, I wanted to see if we could have a sleepover maybe this weekend? I just really miss you guys" Egypt said sheepishly, me and Bella both giggled a bit. 

"yeah that's fine I should be able to go, what about you Iona?" 

I looked up from the files I had already started before mumbling, "yeah I should be able to also, but I may be late if that's okay

"yeah it should be fine! as long as you come!" Egypt chirped me, I smiled a bit before going back to reading my files while the two conversed. 

I rub my eyes tiredly before going back into the work, all of the finished ones going into a different pile I can just get up and take over to my father once I'm done. 

"Iona what the hell are you doing? you've been pretty quiet" 

 Bella says with a giggle. 

I look up form my files again then looking at my phone before saying, "nothing just these files my father wanted me to look through and sign for his company since he didn't want to do it himself, but I mean its fine since he's paying me for it I guess."

"aw really? are we stopping you from doing them on the weekend?" Egypt said, her voice saddened. 

"No! trust me your not, I promise I'm going to be done with these by tonight anyways. Its only a few and I was able to get a good head start on it in the morning

I said immediately not wanting her to be sad about something I could finish in just a day, or a day and a night but regardless. 

Bella had a smirk on her face which I raised my brow at and she kept on and giggled, "nothing It's just cute seeing you be all lovey dovey with Egypt" I roll my eyes at Bella before laughing a bit, "am not" "are to" "am not" "are to" I sighed giving up. 

I continued to read through and sign the papers before I was finally done I sighed in relief and put the last two papers into the pie. I walked into my closet before setting out an outfit to get into while the two conversed once more in the background. 

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now