chapter 29

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Egypt's POV

"Egyptttt" I groan at the sound of Angel's voice. I adjusted to the light of the room, I was in a classroom, to tired to even recognize which teacher's classroom it is. I looked around and Anna and Sam and Angel were all surrounding me. Everyone else was gone. did I fall asleep in the middle of class?

"huh?" I said groggily, I rubbed my eyes, I was so tired. Angel frowned slightly and she crossed her arms. "you fell asleep, dumbass" I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Angel! stop being so mean!" Anna huffed out and she came towards me more and she smiled. "you don't look okay, do you want to talk about it?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

I smiled back and shook my head, "no it's fine I just haven't been able to sleep much, And I almost missed some of the days for exams, which is horrible" I groaned out.

"Well at least you were still able to do it, that's all that matters." Sam said trying to reassure me.

"thank god, this school is so uptight. your lucky you didn't get expelled" Angel said rolling her eyes.

Sam chuckled, "only reason your still enrolled here is because of your parents"

Angel narrowed her eyes at Sam and pursed her lips before huffing out, "fuck off"

We had all knew Angel didn't like to talk about her bad behaviors, or the fact she's only here because of her parents. Really no one has ever seen them, if there are teacher conferences her aunt or uncle would just show up, always saying her parents are to busy to come.

And everyone just rolled with it, because a pissed off Angel, Isn't a fun Angel.

"Well cmon lunch is about to start" Anna said trying to get us all out of the awkward silence.

We all nodded and I got up.  Sam and Anna ahead of me and Angel. Them both holding hands and just talking. Lovebirds.

Angel had nudged me while we were walking. "yeah?" I asked. "I want to tell you something, and it's super important" I furrowed my brows, "yeah what is it?" "well, how do I even fucking say this? just look-" Angel started but a teacher had called her name for her to come into the office.

Angel rolled her eyes and huffed and she turned to me with a small frown before leaving to go over to the office. Still a bit confused I just shrug it off and then walk up to Anna and Sam and they both turned to me before looking back and turning back to me confused seeing no Angel in sight.

"she went to the office" Sam rolled her eyes and nodded and Anna frowned.

"this girl, always getting in trouble, I swear if any of these teachers catch her outside of school shes done for" I giggled at Sam's comment and so did Anna. "no I'm so dead serious" Sam said before we had entered the dining halls and it was way to crowded for my own liking and I just turned the other way.

Sam and Anna following, "you guys just wanna order something?" Anna suggested.

Anna squealed happily. "ooo! could we get some cheesecake factory! its so good!"

"sure baby, what about you Egypt you want anything specific?"

I shrugged, "I'll have anything, But I'm gonna order some wings for Angel"

Sam nodded, "alright so we got lunch figured out, Me and Anna are gonna out and buy some, text Angel and stuff and we'll meet you at our house"

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