chapter 11

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                                                                        POV: Belladonna 👀

I wake up from my mother shaking me awake I groan and push her away from me "Belladonna this is not what a Fallon does, Jeez do you just like putting a bad imagine on our family name? now  get ready for school and come down to eat breakfast!" my mother yells leaving my room with a slam of the door I groan again and get out of bed, walking into my bathroom to start brushing my teeth and do my morning routine. 

after I'm done with doing all those things I needed to grab some clothes, I started to look around my large closet I find a good outfit that contained 

the fit: 

the fit: 

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as I walk down the stairs I look at my mother on our balcony looking down at the green land we have in our back yard I take this as an opportunity to walk out the door without eating my breakfast so I can just get a coffee, I also grab my keys and apple watch making sure I have my phone and charger and leave locking the door behind me and starting my car opening the door  and stepping in my car once I unlock it, why am I avoiding my mother you may ask, well because I just can. And plus I don't want to hear her rant about how I'm a failed abortion.

trust me its happened before, and it was horrible not only did she smell of wine she smelt like weed too, one of the worst nights of my life. I mean I could just move out though I'm in college I'm wealthy, but I guess its just my mother tying me down on staying here, trust me she's a horrible women but that doesn't mean she still isn't my mother, I just feel the need to have to watch her, make sure she doesn't die of a heart attack or something. 

I get into my car and drive to my campus once there I unlock my phone and look through it as I go into the drive way of my campus parking lot I spot that girl Iona was talking about with her friends it was a Friday of course and I was really wanting to meet this girl Iona said she loved, I mean if Iona finds her cute then I think I might to, the older woman seems to have good taste if she's taking interest in me. 

I park my car and step out still looking at my phone not bothering to talk to anyone but as I'm walking I see them go into some woods laughing and talking as they usually do her friend group contains of Anna Oakly,  Sam acre, and Angel Heart also known as the bad kid and bully around here in this school, I never really liked this school until I was able to get with some hot girls, yes sue me but hey at least I'm getting laid, but in the process of it I found out Sam and Anna was dating when I tried to hit on Anna, she really is a kind soul and is in love with coca cola, like its a obsession. 

Man I think its weird how I know how I know everything about everyone but sometimes its worth its while, like this time when this girl named Ivy Rose tried to blackmail me with being friends with one of the nerds in our school on my third year here in this college, I dropped the bomb on her and told her everything I know about her mostly from the profile and back story files of everyone being able to go to the file room was a big mistake those teachers made I was even able to find out that one of the male teachers here was a drunk father but stopped his ways after finding out he could be sent to prison for it for child endangerment. 

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now