chapter 16

612 19 3

POV: Egypt

Iona and Bella both just look at me and waiting patiently still Bella still between Iona's legs while Iona runs her hand through Bella's hair, I just look down before biting my lip and then fidgeting with my hands and then mumbling. 


I stare down at my hands and Iona looks at me as Belladonna does the same, their eyes trained on only me and me only.

which makes me a bit uncomfortable with their staring, I squirm in Iona's lap only making her grip around my waist tighten. 

"Have you Egypt?"

Iona says in a serious tone, her German ascent slipping through her voice as she spoke making her sound extra sexy.

is it hot in here? or is it just me?

"Um, I- I did kind of think of it a bit but I didn't really I guess think about think about it all that much I'm sorry..." 

Iona sighs and rubs my head, soon playing with my curls. meanwhile Bella she's seeming to be in her own little world, like Shes spacing out. 

probably thinking I don't want her. believe me I do but really, I mean I never really went on a date with either of them. and I've only known Bella for a few days now.

"I think I still have to think about it a bit. maybe after a date or two I might have my finial answer" 

I nod my head to my own answer. smiling feeling proud of myself for not stuttering. 

"Well, maybe we could take you out on a date right now? just the three of us, oh! I know just the movie we could watch" 

I smile at Bella's comment and slide off of Iona's lap to sit in Bella's lap. Iona raises a brow at this and I giggle. 

Iona showed a small smile with a tint of pink on her flawless checks. I feel a pool of pride seeing I made Not only Iona smile, but blush!

"I think that sounds nice! but maybe we could stay inside today?

I sit up from Bella's lap and look at the both of them Iona playing with Bella's hair, but Bella is too concerned about me not being on her lap and narrows her eyes slightly at me, making me giggle at her facial expressions, Bella always makes the funniest of faces. 

I then think for a second about what date we could do, when a idea comes to mind I say, "Maybe we could do like a nice pillow fort? Oh! we could have a movie night!" 

I say jumping up and down a bit as I speak obviously getting excited. 

Iona stands up as well as Bella reminding me how short I am, and the fact that their freaking giants for actually no reason. 

"I think that sounds nice, Bella what about you?" 

Iona says with a smile.

"It sounds like a fun night, we could go to the store and get some drinks, snacks, and popcorn." 


I squeal out making me put my hands over my month in embarrassment. Iona laughs before bringing me into a hug. soon kissing me all over my face making me squirm and giggle. 


I manage to squeak out as Iona contentious the torture. 

"Awe, why am I always forgotten?" 

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now