chapter 24

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Egypt's Pov

Today was Iona's and Bella's honeymoon and of course as the perfect girlfriends I am they let me go because like what would they even do without me? 

I giggled at my own thoughts and continued to pack my bags, we would be staying in Hawaii for 2 weeks and I've always wanted to go there which is why they picked it! it looks so cool and I would get to see them in bathing suits! 

and that, well that's just hot.


Iona's Pov

Me and Bella were currently at my place and she was sitting on the bed looking all fine and shit in only panties but wanna get mad when I pop a boner and try and get some. like damn next time learn not to look like a whole damn meal on my own bed. 

Ever since our wedding shes been basically living her I don't blame her knowing her mother and how much of a relief it would be to finally be able to stay somewhere else for a while, so I never asked her when she was leaving or anything, I just let her chill here, plus I mean were married its only normal for us to stay together really. 

I sit down beside her on the bed and huff grabbing my phone to check on Egypt for the 100th time now, yes its stupid but my brothers, I just- I really couldn't let them lay a finger on her or her curls. 

"baby shes fine there's no need to call her, shes just home see?" Bella said showing me Egypt's location on her phone, I just groaned and rolled my eyes. 

"yeah sorry, sorry, its brothers love..

Bella nodded and she gave me a hug which I of course returned, "lets just enjoy our trip okay? even if they did try something while we were gone we could get body guards for Ms. Finley and we already have our own protection for our homes, we'll be fine baby" she reassured and I took a deep breath before nodding with a small smile. 

"okay, thank you.."

Bella kissed my forehead, "anything to calm your troubles my love"

 I chuckled, "alright, alright get off me I might catch lice

She gasped dramatically and furrowed her brows, "oh fuck you! I was 5 years old and I got it from another kid!

I laughed and sat up grabbing our suit cases, "whateverrr!"

Bella packs so much I swear, I only have 3 bags and she has 8 I hope Egypt isn't a heavy packer either.

I pet Goldy on my way outside to our car. Before the wedding we had agreed the things we would be giving to each other not only just the business benefits but more money, some of each others land and well cars, family heirlooms and all of that other stuff, my family most definitely had more to offer, though Bella's still had some good things, some other things I actually found interesting, especially their family heirlooms. 

I put the bags in the trunk and I see a now dressed Bella walking down the stairs our the front. 

"we have everything right?

Bella nodded, "car keys?

she held them up in her hand, "everyone's bags?

she nodded. 

"and Egypt is ready to get picked up?

Bella nodded again. 

"alright so were ready to go?" Bella nodded yet again with a amused face. 

I rolled my eyes at her playfully and took the keys from her and started up the car getting into the drivers seat, Bella getting in to the passenger and Dave was going to be driving behind us, he was basically going to be there even in the airport, him and Egypt made very good friends which I'm glad to hear shes gonna be seeing him a lot anyways. 

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