Chapter 14 😏

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                                                                                    POV: Iona

I wake up with Goldy licking my face I groan and say, "is this what I get for being nice to you all these years?" Goldy just barks to which I roll my eyes too and move his face out of mine and stand up I yawn and stretch and go into my walk in closet to find some clothes to wear. 

I put the clothes on my bed and walk out the closet I shut the door behind me and go into the bathroom. 

after taking a relaxing shower I wrap a towel around my body and put on my clothes, once done I cant help but think of Egypt and Bella. 

I groan slightly feeling an erection growing so I push away  the thoughts and adjust my dress pants before going into the kitchen. I make Goldy's bowl and make myself a bowl of cereal once done eating I decide to text Egypt. 

(Bold Egypt) 

"hi lovely" 

"hi hi!" 

"what are you doing this lovely weekend?

"nothing just relaxing if I'm being honest" 

"maybe I could make it more relaxing and come over?

"and do what 🤨" 

"things, now can I come over?"

"fine I'll ask my mom" 

"okay, thank you darling

"np luv u!😋" 

"love you too weirdo

I play with Goldy for a bit and enjoy a good time with him after finishing eating and putting my bowl and spoon in the sink and cleaning it out, soon I look at my phone again seeing a text from Egypt saying I can come over I wash my hands from Goldy he isn't dirty don't get me wrong but he's just, I run a hand through my hair then grab my car keys and text back a okay then get out the door to my car. 

about a few hours later I arrive to her place, Since her house is pretty far from mine its a long drive but Its really not that long just 2 hours and a half.

I text her saying I'm here and soon see Egypt opening her door once she sees me she waves which makes me chuckle and wave back before leaving my car crossing the street and hugging her I then say, "hi darling" 

"hi hi!" she says with a big smile, I just laugh before pecking her plump lips she blushes a bit but kisses back. 

after the quick kiss I walk in the house relieved her mother didn't see us kissing I wave to her and walk up to Egypt's room since I remember where it is. 

Egypt then follows closely behind and closes and locks her door she then sits on my lap and yawns before saying, "I love you" 

I giggle and say back, "I love you too lovely" 

Egypt just smiles before saying, "could we maybe make out..?" 

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