chapter 4

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( new character?! named belladonna?! 🫣 )

Iona ross POV:

God to see Egypts face again, her curly brown hair that shined in the sun and her brown coffee eyes. They looked so good in the sun, she looked good in the sun in general.

I sit down on my office chair and start to look through the folder of things I had to do. I sigh and grab a pen from my cup and start to dive in.

after a long period of hours i got the work done i smiled and started to think about that a certain someone i smiled thinking of her blushing face, when she checked me out i also loved the way she smiled when goldy came running after her just on time my phone rings from my driver who is supposed to take me to my fathers house because he wants to talk to me about something important.

I get out of my office chair and open my door and lock it with my key i smile at gold6 who's on her bed sleep i rub her head and her eyes open a little as i kiss her head and tell my maid to keep an eye on honey and make sure she takes her bath i grab my coat and throw it over my shoulders before walking out of my house i hear a click of a three locks meaning my maid locked the door i smile in content but it soon fades when i try to figure out what my dad wanted from me i look at my apple watch and see the time 2:00 PM it says, i raise a brow.

"i wonder if Egypt got out of school yet" i say softly before heading down my stairs and on my rocky path to the car outside of my door fence i walk in the car "good afternoon mistress" my diver Dave says. I smile and say good afternoon as well and close the small window that blocks me form hearing him and from him hearing me i look at my phone and start to text my father telling him i may be late because of the traffic.

'alright but don't be too late young lady'

I roll my eyes at the text and leave him on read i close my eyes and smile as my mind drifts off to Egypt, maybe i could find her a gift. I smile again thinking of seeing her smile and blush as I give it to her, Oooo maybe I could give her a teddy bear? Or even some candy? I bet she loves candy with a passion.

I chuckle just thinking about it her having a Sugar rush jumping off my walls and running around my house with sticky fingers and a sticky face. 

I open my eyes when Dave opens the small tinted window "is there something wrong?" I say raising a brow "sorry to bother you, but we are here mistress" Dave says, i grumble and nod my head getting out the car "also your father seemed really angry when he called for you to come over so try not to do anything to piss him off" Dave says with a worried look not for him but for me, "oh please, everything i do pisses him off" i say with a roll of my eyes, Dave just chuckles and smiles sitting down in his seat more comfortable in a way.

knowing he has to wait for me to leave i walk up to the larger five story house the guards open up the tall black gate and one comes over to my side walking with me to open the next gate once opened he leaves my side and i continue my walk to the mansion i knock on the tall doors and a small maid opens it with a smile and lets me in telling me my father is in his office knowing where that is i got to the elevator and pressing number five i hum to the soft music and a ping noise is made when i made it to the fifth floor i walk down the red carpet and knock on the tall red doors i hear a come in knowing its my father i open the door and walk over to his desk "take a seat" he says with his always stern face, if you ask me some piss and some smoke on his face would make it look better but, sadly it hasn't happened yet.

But anyways i sit down and look up at my father with a bored face.

"i know you have been in a need to have a wife for a long time-"

I interrupt my father before saying "in need of one? I don't even want one dad"  I say with a snarky tone. He just rolls his eyes before continuing,

"As I was saying, i have got you one this is what she looks like and also you have no say in this so don't even try to say no this is already done with and you 1 million will be sent to you every month your with her if you leave her or do anything with anyone else and get caught not only will i take away your company i will take away your place in life and in this family do you understand?"

my father said with his normal 'don't try me' face.

I roll my eyes and ruffle my hair "okay, i guess if i have no say in this then that means my life is ruined even more" i say with a annoyed and bored face i could always just go to clubs like i always do plus even if this person really does love me i can act like i do too for a little bit then make the public know they are a gold digger so then i will have a reason not to marry or date them, see? Boom, master plan.

My ugly father then starts talking.

"alright then glad to know there won't be no fighting, also here's a picture background check ID and file on her also her name is Belladonna" i looked at the paper and god she looked pretty like as pretty as Egypt. Okay so maybe master plan is not so master plan anymore? I furrow my brows as I look at the pretty blondie soon I bite my nails before saying "and where did you find this lady?"

I was surprised that my father was able to get such a beauty willing to do this.

Then of course my excuse of a father starts talking again, "It wasn't hard. All I had to do was find another successful company owner who wants to have an arranged marriage as well." My father says, taking a sip of his white wine.

I then look at the photo one more time before raising a brow I then say "She looks really young"

I then take a sip of my fathers wine that he had in his hands.

my father rolled his eyes before grabbing the wine back and pouring it out into his sink he has in his office, he then wiped the cup a napkin and then pouring some more and he then finally said "she's in college, about 19 so she is of legal age" my father takes another sip of his one before saying "And plus, shes very smart top of her class and in a very rich classy college down by that dog park you take your dog to"my father says looking down at his watch "alright i have a meeting in a few minutes you can keep the files and also i will tell you when you get to meet her" i nod and get up walking only a few steps before my father grabbed my arm.

"remember what i said Iona" i nod yet again and he lets me go i open the tall red door and leave with a grumble putting my hand in my hair and getting in the elevator going to floor 1 once there i smile at the maids and open the tall doors the guard yet again follows me and opens the gate for me and the other does the same, after that i spot Dave sitting back in his seat reading a book hearing my heals he looks and smile and unlocks the car i open the door and get in sighing.

"how did it go?" He asked "i'm getting married, and the person is actually a beauty just like another person i know" i say with a smile I just can't get Egypt out of my head for even a second.

"oh really now?" he says with a raised brow. "yes now take me home Dave" I plead my feet are killing me.

He chuckles before saying "yes mam" he starts the car and drives out of the driveway i smile seeing the mansion out of view, yup no more father. I close my eyes and take a well deserved nap i open my eyes to a small shake on my arm.

"we have arrived at your home" Dave says with a smile, i nod and get out the car my guard opens the gate for me and i walk down my rocky path to my large white doors i open the door with my key and take my coat off and hand it to my maid, taking my heels off i head upstairs to my room closing my door i open my bathroom door and take off my clothes heading into the shower smiling at the feeling of my muscles not feeling so tense.

                                ( new character?! named belladonna?! 🫣 )

( a/n updated version of chapter 4 complete, if I missed anything I'm sorry I really don't proof read after I finish making them which is why I make a bunch of misspelling and errors in my chapters, but other than that I hope you all have a good day/night! 😜)

(Also psst, I can't remember if Goldy was a boy or girl 😭)

|| word count: 1437 ||

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